Does the generator charge them?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Question,  when I run the generator, does it charge the house batteries in addition to running the A/C and other stuff?
Yes. The generator in your RV does exactly the same as shore power.
To clarify, the generator doesn't directly charge the house batteries.  It supplies 120 volts to the converter, which then charges the batteries just like you were on shore power.
Note on many coaches the generator will not charge the engine starting battery unless you add a starting battery charging device like e trik-l-start
Isaac-1 said:
Note on many coaches the generator will not charge the engine starting battery unless you add a starting battery charging device like e trik-l-start

And that's true for the OP's motorhome. Mine is the same way.
Note on many coaches the generator will not charge the engine starting battery unless you add a starting battery charging device like e trik-l-start
Again, it's NOT that the generator doesn't do it.  It's the house cahrging system that doesn't have that capability.  If the house converter/charger doesn't charge the chassis batteries, it doesn't matter whether the 120v power comes from the genset or shore power.  ;)
Isaac-1 said:
Note on many coaches the generator will not charge the engine starting battery unless you add a starting battery charging device like e trik-l-start

I made it easier on myself. I just turn the key for a bit while I'm inside, which engages the solenoid in the front that charges the house batteries from the alternator. Otherwise, I sometimes use a short, homemade gator clip jumper to bypass the solenoid. Doing the latter, you need to remember to disconnect it before you start the engine or you could fry the jumper depending on the health of your batteries.
darsben said:
It should if working properly.

Best answer. Actually the generator powers your RV same as SHORE power does. so key points

you said Air Conditioners (Plural) so if you have 2 or more. And both run. then the device responsible for charging your batteries on SHORE power has power and , as Darsben said. if working properly. the batteries are charging.

The generator itself does nto do the job.  It powers the converter or inverter/charger and IT charges the battery.  Same as shore power .
I'm Not sure how other RV's are set up, but the two I've had (both C class), the battery switch had to be on in order to charge house battery(s) from shore OR gen.

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