Doing laundry on the road

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A friend who flew USCG search and rescue used to deploy for 30 days at a time. His wife explained how he made underpants last 4 days - one day each inside, outside, front and back.
Jake on Two and a Half Men show said that about 20 years ago.
Jake on Two and a Half Men show said that about 20 years ago.
Our friend told us 30 or so years ago. He was long retired from USCG and retired from his second career. ;)
Just back from two months on the road. A lesson in clothes conservation. Most of the time we were lucky enough to be at campgrounds that offered laundry facilities. I believe we only traveled to a laundry mat once, in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and that place had washing machines up to 70lb. loads! Folks doing their laundry were very friendly pointing out the best machines to use to my wife and me. I believe we paid $2.50 a load to wash and $1.50 to dry, $8 total using 20# machines. While we spent two weeks in Raleigh, NC at Falls Lake Holly Point Campground we took advantage of my brother living 6 miles away and did a few loads at his house while enjoying cocktails and dinner.

My biggest gripe is a convenient place to place the dirty clothes laundry bag in the camper. We thought of putting it under the bed but it's a pain lifting it every night before bed. So it sits on the floor on my side of the bed.
A friend who flew USCG search and rescue used to deploy for 30 days at a time. His wife explained how he made underpants last 4 days - one day each inside, outside, front and back.
Do you recall where he was stationed?

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