Don't stop for red lights?

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Jim Dick

Moderator Emeritus
Feb 11, 2005
Titusville, FL
BernieD said:

What do you mean anymore ??? ??? Had that problem when we lived in CT in the 70s and 80s ;D ;D


Yes but we lived further away from NYC. Took longer for the changes to reach us. ;D ;D

Florida is no better. A year ago when we spent the winter there I came upon a yellow light so I stopped. I was maybe 3 car lengths from the intersection when it changed. I looked in the rear view and there was an old guy behind the wheel waving his arms like mad and mouthing some things that I'm sure aren't printable. He expected me to run the light so he could keep going. I waved to him when he passed me after the light changed. :) I told Pat I'm going to have a bumper sticker made up that says "I stop for red lights"!
Jim Dick said:
I told Pat I'm going to have a bumper sticker made up that says "I stop for red lights"!

That might be something many of us could use Jim. We've been rear-ended several times.

One time I gradually slowed to a stop at a red light, looked in my mirror (again) after stopping and told myself that the pickup racing behind me wasn't going to stop. Sure enough, he didn't. Fortunately I was in a full size Bronco and he was in a little Datsun pickup. He hit so hard that it he wasn't able to open the door and the tow ball on the rear of the of the Bronco made a nice hole in his radiator. Damage to the Bronco was just a bent tube that fits into the receiver.
I don't think they require stopping at red lights anymore in Traverse City Mich.  I was waiting for a red light and a cop setting along side when the light turned green four more cars went through the light .  Had time to roll down the window and ask the cop why he didn't go after those guys and he replied "for what".  If your ever in TC Mich don't ever think they will stop for a red light because the probably won't.

Maybe we can get a bunch made up. :) Luckily, the only time I've been "hit" from behind was at a light in Titusville. I had stopped and so had the car behind me. Unfortunately, the driver was busy doing something other than concentrating on driving and took her foot off the brake. The car slowly rolled into mine but left a scrape on the bumper. After talking with her about it she was very grateful I didn't pursue the issue. Rubbing compound removed the scrape but she didn't know it. :)

I had to smile the other day. We were on a major road through town and had just crossed an intersection when the light changed. I noticed in my mirror that a cruiser had stopped for the light. The car next to him didn't. Lights came on immediately and the driver was pulled over. I don't see that often but really enjoy it when I do.
Jim Dick said:

I had to smile the other day. We were on a major road through town and had just crossed an intersection when the light changed. I noticed in my mirror that a cruiser had stopped for the light. The car next to him didn't. Lights came on immediately and the driver was pulled over. I don't see that often but really enjoy it when I do.

Somehow I just don't think that would happen in Traverse City.  We have seen to many red lights run with a cruiser right there.  Guess the cops their close their eyes to such things.

Unfortunately there are so many other things for them to do that traffic violations are not as high a priority as they used to be. I got stopped once as a kid because the license plate light on my father's car was out. Now you can have all kinds of lights out and they don't seem to do anything about it.

Jim Dick said:

Unfortunately there are so many other things for them to do that traffic violations are not as high a priority as they used to be. I got stopped once as a kid because the license plate light on my father's car was out. Now you can have all kinds of lights out and they don't seem to do anything about it.

Maybe, but Ron's cop sounds like he was getting towards the end of his shift.  ;)
caltex said:
Don't give up hope, I got stopped a few months ago in Athens, Texas for having a tail light out. No ticket, just a courtesy warning.

Hi Robert,

I'll be sure to have all my lights working in Athens, TX. :)

Yep, an end of shift might just do it. Unfortunately the running of lights is rampant and I'm almost afraid to stop for a light that's changing. Not sure what the answer's going to be but something needs to be done.
Jim Dick said:

Unfortunately there are so many other things for them to do that traffic violations are not as high a priority as they used to be. I got stopped once as a kid because the license plate light on my father's car was out. Now you can have all kinds of lights out and they don't seem to do anything about it.

Yea they sure wouldn't want to miss the donut shop appointment. ;D

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