There are those who will go on and on about the dangers of running with propane on.... However I have asked and this is what I've found.
Some people have indeed had fires, usually in the frige area, when running with propane on.. 100% of these were caused by poor maintenance, either failure to inspect the flue after birds or insects had nested there, or failure to check for leaks.
Now. if you are going to have a fire,, Would you rather have it on the road where everybody can see the flames and avoid you,, Or next to a 250,000 diesel pusher just off the dealer's lot at a campground or rally (NOTE that either way YOU are going to have a fire)
There is a very slight additional danger in a crash.
However I've yet to hear of a single accident where it made a difference... I dispatched police for 25 years, and have been reading these forums for 3-5 depending on the forum.