DVD copies

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2015
I have some DVDs that I had some 8mm movies transferred to, and I'd like to make some copies to give as gifts. I'm looking at two options, either burn them myself, or pay a service. So two questions:
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[*]If I burn them myself, what software is recommended?
[*]If I pay to have it done, what services are recommended? I have a local Walgreen's that has a photo kiosk, but they were unclear as to whether the kiosk supports full disk copy - it sounds like the kiosk pulls files, then writes them to another disk. If I understand correctly (unlikely) to copy a DVD movie, one has to make an image of the disk. ??
Please add any other ideas or suggestions.

DVD copy software works well, at least in my experience.  I've used DVD-Cloner extensively to copy both my own DVDs and back-ups of commercial DVDs. DVD Cloner seems able to deal with just abot any DVD format or content.


I've also used some free DVD copy programs to clone my own (self-created) DVDs, i.e. those that were ISO-standard formats or standard Windows file systems with no copy protection.  I used DVD Creator successfully for that. Here's an article on free DVD software:


If you had the movies transferred to disk by a service, they may or may not have used a copy-protection scheme. The 8mm movie content is yours, of course, but some companies take measures to ensure you have to come back to them and pay if you want more copies. 
Gary RV_Wizard said:
If you had the movies transferred to disk by a service, they may or may not have used a copy-protection scheme. The 8mm movie content is yours, of course, but some companies take measures to ensure you have to come back to them and pay if you want more copies.

Thanks Gary. Yes, I had it done by a service, a very reputable camera store in Arizona. Paid about double what I could have paid as the store does them locally so I didn't have to risk loss of irreplaceable family videos. Guess I'll find out if they copy protected them.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
DVD copy software works well, at least in my experience.  I've used DVD-Cloner extensively to copy both my own DVDs and back-ups of commercial DVDs. DVD Cloner seems able to deal with just abot any DVD format or content.


I've also used some free DVD copy programs to clone my own (self-created) DVDs, i.e. those that were ISO-standard formats or standard Windows file systems with no copy protection.  I used DVD Creator successfully for that. Here's an article on free DVD software:


If you had the movies transferred to disk by a service, they may or may not have used a copy-protection scheme. The 8mm movie content is yours, of course, but some companies take measures to ensure you have to come back to them and pay if you want more copies.

What I made red would make me more than red.

VLC Media Player is my choice, probably not as simple as others but very efficient and custom settings allowed.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
DVD copy software works well, at least in my experience.  I've used DVD-Cloner extensively to copy both my own DVDs and back-ups of commercial DVDs. DVD Cloner seems able to deal with just abot any DVD format or content.

Gary, I'm just starting a clone with DVD Cloner - boy is this time consuming! Do you know if it allows you to copy an image and then make more than one close, to avoid duplicating the lengthy copy process? I'd like to make 2-3 copies of each.
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