Electric/Power Sun Visors

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Jul 22, 2005
I am trying to find an electric sun visor for our new MH.  I've heard people talk about them, but haven't found any in my searches.  I've looked at the Power Smart Visor, and that may be what we go with, but I'm curious about what the electric visors are?  Does anyone know anything about them, or did I imagine it??  Or what kind of sun visor do you use and like?

Many mid and upper end motorhomes come standard with power-operated sun visors/window shades, on the windshield and sometimes the driver & passenger side windows as well. I suspect that's what you hear folks talking about and few of them even know who the manufacturer of te component is.

Carefree makes the Power Sidevisor and Power Smart Visor, which I guess you have found.  See Carefree Power Visors. I haven't come across any other brands, but there are probably are some.
It is worth the search.  We have them on our coach and would not be without them. I just wish we had them on the driver side "side window" as well.  the one there is manual and up too high for me to pull down when needed. 

I will try to find out what brand Newmar uses for their coaches.  They are trouble free and work great.
macleay said:
Or what kind of sun visor do you use and like?

We have the Carefree of Colorado Power Visor.  We added them after market and Terry wired the switches to the controls by drivers side and one for me by map light.  We really enjoy the convenience of pressing a button  to shade a glare rather than adjusting the  glass panels on swing arms we used to have. We ordered them from the a guy at Quartzsite but Terry says they have a website.  They display at all major  RV shows.

Thanks for your replies.  I've bookmarked the Carefree Power Visor, but if any of you can find out more, like who Newmar uses and if it's available after-market, I'd really appreciate it.  I'm tired of hearing DH swearing as he tries to adjust the ones on the swinging arm!  ;D 

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