Electrical plug in bathroom

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
In our 24013  adventurer model H  there is a single electrical plug.  It is not working and  And the reset does not click.  My question is is that a regular house hold plug and can I go to the hardware store and replace it.  Thanks

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Since it has a reset button that is a GFI outlet, so be sure to replace it with another GFI outlet and not a regular outlet.  Most motor homes have multiple outlets chained from one GFI outlet.
Oddly enough, the GFI outlet in the bathroom of our fifth-wheel had a similar problem in that it would not stay reset. In our case, it turned out to be an indication that our converter had gone bad.
GFI's sense a minute difference in potential (voltage) between the neutral and ground, indicating some kind of a shock hazard that isn't a large enough short to trip the circuit breaker.  I can definitely see how it would be indicating a convertor or inverter problem!

Older RV's had rv-specific outlets, but I'm guessing a GFI would have been a more common version in an actual outlet box.

The GFI in my bathroom has the outdoor receptacle chained into the back of it.
MT4Runner said:
GFI's sense a minute difference in potential (voltage) between the neutral and ground...
Not exactly. A GFI measures the current on the hot wire and the current on the neutral wire. They must be within tolerances or the breaker trips.
A GFCI won't reset if it has no power, so my guess is that the breaker that feeds it has tripped, or a connection is a junction box has come loose. I doubt if the receptacle itself has failed, but it is possible. Your problem is most likely upstream from the outlet that has the GFCI button tripped.

And yes, it is probably a standard home-type GFCI outlet. I say "probably" because some RVs use outlets that have only press-in wire connectors, or types designed for shallow walls, or types used in remodeling (called "old work" in electrician parlance). They are still "standard" items for home and office use, but you may not find them in a local store. Best to take the old one with you when shopping. You don't need to go to an RV store or specify "RV" when you buy it.

Thanks to all. Spoke with Winnie service ,per their advise I reset the breakers that the indicated and per their request ran the gen.  The rep said that this plug is not connected to the invert er so that is not the problem.  When I get home will put a meter on the wires and if they are hot will replace the plug.  He did say I could get GI plug from hardware store. Will advise.
jimlaurielucy said:
Thanks to all. Spoke with Winnie service ,per their advise I reset the breakers that the indicated and per their request ran the gen.  The rep said that this plug is not connected to the invert er so that is not the problem.  When I get home will put a meter on the wires and if they are hot will replace the plug.  He did say I could get GI plug from hardware store. Will advise.

Check to see if there is another GFI plug on the same circuit.  I has a similar issue in our Journey.  The half bath and the galley both have GFI plugs that are on the same circuit.  I had to reset both to get power going again when they tripped.
Thanks for all advise.  I went to Home Depot got a new GFI plug and it works fine now.  I guess those plugs do go bad from time to time.
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