Electrical Problem

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Nov 27, 2005
I have a 94 Holiday Rambler . I stored it for two months , at which time I took the battery out . Yesterday I checked the battery and put it back in the trailer, but no 12 volts in the trailer. I checked the fuse panel, the battery isolation switch and the two fuze's on the front panel of the inverter. I then plugged in to 120 V and every thing was fine . Then  I unplugged the 120 and the lights stayed on. I switched them off and on a few times,fine. I tried again 30 minutes later , no lights. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks ------------------Ron
I assume the "lights" you are talking about that came on once but not the second time are DC lights??  If so the DC is changed from 120 vac to 12vDC by a charger/converter - that supplies the voltage for DC lights.  If you are talking about 120VAC lights it is a whole different bag.  Use a voltmeter and with the site 120 VAC plugged in - set the meter for 12VDC [or 30] which ever you meter has and read the voltage out of the charger that goes to the battery charging system and to the DC stuff in the trailer.  For the batteries - depends on what kind and if they have cell caps - but use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity of the fluid in each and every cell.  Cheap hydrometers can be found in hardware stores.  Without a load on the batteries it is the only way to check them [a load meter can be used but they are hard to find].
All my lights are 12 volt and they all work fine when I am Plugged in to 120 V. I haven't used a hydrometer on the battery yet , I just checked the volts at 12.5 . I did plug in to my truck , but no change. I'll run down and pick up a hydrometer, should have around anyway .
It sure sounds like your battery is bad. When you are plugged into shore power your converter charger is supplying the DC to everything, and charging the battery with any leftover power. With most of the low end c/c's that is generally not much juice.

Well it does look like the battery now. I went to check it with a hydrometer and found it almost empty. Bad maintenance on my part.I am sure there is a lot of internal damage so that it will not deliever current for more than a moment after charging. Any suggestions on a high quality RV battery ? Thanks ---------------Ron
If you want a lead acid battery the Trojan golf cart Batteries are very good.  The Lifeline AGM batteries are much better but cost twice as much. IMHO excide batteries should be avoided.
Thanks to all of you for your help on this problem. I found a Lifeline dealer in Phoenix . Should be back on the road soon.------------Ron :)

I would also look at upgrading your charger/converter to a 3 stage one, it is possible your old converter is boiling the batteries with too high of charge. Try www.bestconverter.com

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Ron said:
If you want a lead acid battery the Trojan golf cart Batteries are very good.? The Lifeline AGM batteries are much better but cost twice as much. IMHO excide batteries should be avoided.
Ron, good call on the Trojan. I have that setup in my rig. I was out dry camping over last holiday for 6 days without once using my generator. Not once did I have even a weak light. Dual 6v all the way!!!
We have had very good service from Trojan Batteries.  We had our previous coach, A 93 Bounder diesel for five years and the original batteries were still performing.  We picked up our 99 American Eagle in August of 98 and the original Trojan coach batteries are still in service.

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