Electronic critter chasers

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I used one several years ago to run off some armadillos but I have no recollection of where I got it
I have them on my coach, but I can not vouch for the effectiveness. They are better than Irish spring slivers (found gnawed) or dryer sheet (used as nest material).
I have been told by many people that they don't work. But I don't like to use pesticides as I am mildly allergic to many of them.

I bought my current set in Nov 2018 (VEPOWER Ultrasonic Electronic Repellent) according to Amazon. Do they work 100%? No. Nothing is 100% effective. Since I plugged in this last set, I've had about 6 mice. I also keep either TomKat or D-Con solid bait in the places that the mice seem to like. So if the dog tells us we have a mouse, they are usually gone the following day. The dog does not like mice.

This set is the second electronic pest repeller I've had. The first one (a single unit), bought in 1980, got broken. So I looked for a new one. They currently cost about $30 for a set of 6 on Amazon. I plug them in every place I can (one per "room" and one next to the entry door). I just wish they worked on flies. I live near a lot of dairies. The whole area has a fly problem.

I've had one roach infestation. I suspect it came from a camper that pulled in next to me for a few months. I've never seen roaches like that. When the trailer left, I stopped having the roach problem. The trick to getting rid of the weird roaches was to use gorilla duct tape, stuck flat to the walls and counters with the "sticky side up" so it worked like fly paper. The roaches would walk across the tape and get stuck. Every morning, I would find a roach or two stuck to the tape, I would fold the tape over and around the live roaches, sealing them into the tape, and kill them with a hammer before tossing the tape into the garbage. This meant the roaches died BEFORE they popped out an egg sac (which they do even as they are dying). I loathe roaches and have a mild phobia about them. Sprays didn't faze these bugs. But I didn't get rid of them completely until the camper next to me left out. But I faired better than the people on the other side of them and the ones behind them. They were bug bombing all the time. I don't know if they all got rid of the roaches. They all left over a few months. It's been a long time since I've had a roach or seen signs of any.

I also do not have any cardboard boxes or packaging inside. I follow the same practices that the liveaboard boats do, no cardboard. Everything gets repacked into sealed containers. I use a crosscut paper shredder from Sam's Club as a trash bin. I line the pull out bin with a tall kitchen garbage bag and all cardboard and mail gets shredded. Even corrugated shipping boxes from Amazon gets shredded. Trash is tossed about every three days.

Prevention is half the battle. The little ultrasonic/electronic pest repellers are fairly inexpensive. They seem to work or I simply have few pest problems. Unfortunately they don't work on the two legged pests.
The weather in Florida s very conducive to the roach/spider/bug problem. I spray lightly around the inside and outside of my home, MH & Boat once a year with Demon. (OK, not outside the boat or MH)
Boxes are opened outside and broken down for the trash bins.
Every two or three weeks the garbage bins are loaded in my truck and taken to nearby transfer station, from there to the landfill an hour away. BTW... local garbage companies charge $300 to $425.00 yearly to pick up a single trash can once a week. My cost is $30.00 a year for a 20 minute round trip every 2 weeks.
The only time I've had an infestation in the RV was Asian ladybugs. These are the orange instead of our harmless red native variety. They come out in hoards after the first hard freeze. Out of 100 campsites at our local campground there is only 1 site where they seem to nest. They pinch your skin when they land on you and leave an orange stain and smell like camphor when swatted. I tried a Rid-X brand ultrasonic insect repeller which did nothing. Had to bug bomb twice to get rid of them.

I had a German roach infestation in a rent house back in the 70's and boric acid roach powder is the only thing that worked. Since then I've owned 5 different houses and 4 RVs. When first moving into each one I removed the baseboards and put the powder under all the bottom kitchen cabinets, stove, and fridge. Never had a roach in the 50 years since then. We've been living in the current house for 23 years and have never reapplied the powder even though a neighbor has had the problem. He heard the powder doesn't work so he won't try it. The powder didn't work on the ladybugs though.
The only time I've had an infestation in the RV was Asian ladybugs. These are the orange instead of our harmless red native variety. They come out in hoards after the first hard freeze. Out of 100 campsites at our local campground there is only 1 site where they seem to nest. They pinch your skin when they land on you and leave an orange stain and smell like camphor when swatted. I tried a Rid-X brand ultrasonic insect repeller which did nothing. Had to bug bomb twice to get rid of them.

I had a German roach infestation in a rent house back in the 70's and boric acid roach powder is the only thing that worked. Since then I've owned 5 different houses and 4 RVs. When first moving into each one I removed the baseboards and put the powder under all the bottom kitchen cabinets, stove, and fridge. Never had a roach in the 50 years since then. We've been living in the current house for 23 years and have never reapplied the powder even though a neighbor has had the problem. He heard the powder doesn't work so he won't try it. The powder didn't work on the ladybugs though.
We get the Asian ladybugs here every November. Got a couple still hanging in the corner of the room right now. This year was moderate, last year there were almost none. Five years ago there were millions.
I had a mouse problem that seemed to be solved when my CO2/propane detector needed to be replaced. I kept beeping on a regular basis and seemed to drive the little buggers out. ;)
I had a mouse problem that seemed to be solved when my CO2/propane detector needed to be replaced. I kept beeping on a regular basis and seemed to drive the little buggers out. ;)
I did see one model that had a strobe. Apparently an aggravation the critters. Beeping would be an issue as I was also to put one in our home garage, which is right below our bedroom and I am a fairly light sleeper.
I think the ultrasonic, ultrasound, etc pest control devices are as effective as hair growth formulas, diet books and miracle analgesics, there's so many of them because it's a great idea which we hope will work but none of them do.
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The problem with ultrasound chasers is ultrasound sound waves are pretty much line of sight. Critters like mice and rats prefer to hang out behind walls, etc. and they block the ultrasonic sounds.
I think the ultrasonic, ultrasound, etc pest control devices are as effective as hair growth formulas, diet books and miracle analgesics, there's so many of them because it's a great idea which we hope will work but none of them do.

I have tried a few of those products and .... The bugs crawled all over them zero percent effective near as I can tell. (Like the other stuff you mention) . Now there is an atracttive young lady I really need to take to dinner.. (Actually she is a bit too young for my preferece but she is attractive) Not as a "Date" but as a Thank you Dinner.. You see.. Bugs now gone.. thanks to her.. She knew her business.. Company called Rose Exterminating here in the Flint. MI area. Likely attached to the apartment complex I live in (An Edward Rose Property). Have not seen a single creepy crawly in about a year since she last stopped in. Tried others. No joy. She got the job done.
We've received 10 air dropped wolves just released by some fully armed to the teeth with weapons wildlife personnel. The wolves are roaming around out here somewhere. I'm wondering if those electronic critter chasers would work? Found about the release from a Washington DC newspaper publication, otherwise, they didn't inform the local rednecks whom actually live within the "Western wild" due to they know that we don't want 'em.
We get the Asian ladybugs here every November. Got a couple still hanging in the corner of the room right now. This year was moderate, last year there were almost none. Five years ago there were millions.

We give a couple dozen of them a free ride South every year. Don't know they're in the camper until it warms up and they start congregating in the bathroom skylight
We've received 10 air dropped wolves just released by some fully armed to the teeth with weapons wildlife personnel. The wolves are roaming around out here somewhere. I'm wondering if those electronic critter chasers would work? Found about the release from a Washington DC newspaper publication, otherwise, they didn't inform the local rednecks whom actually live within the "Western wild" due to they know that we don't want 'em.
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Can you shoot one if it's on your property and endangering people or animals.
I understand that there is also a planned release/re-establish of grizzly bear in the far northwest (Washington, Oregon?). With good sense and government blending like oil and water, I don't typically spend a lot of effort trying to apply one to the other. However I would like to throw this out there for discussion:

Is it possible that someone in Fish & Game pointed out that the growing anti-gun rhetoric will result in a decrease of hunting? When that happens, the populations of the larger prey species (moose, elk, deer, etc.) will start to become an issue with more road kills, more crop damage, disease spread to domesticated livestock, etc. Could it be that someone had the bright idea to reintroduce the apex predators to compensate for the reduced harvesting by hunters?
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