Erratic cruise control

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There are two switches located above my brake pedal that the brake pedal operates. The lower one is a small black box with two wires and a vacuum line going in fron tand a plunger out the back. The switch that was higher up I am thinking controls the brake lights. It was loose and cattywampus. So I tightened it up and I think that solves my brake light issue. The brake lights were staying on all the time so I had pulled the fuse. I reinserted the fuse after I tightened up the switch and the brake light is not burning all the time now. I will have to wait until dark to see if the brake lights now operate properly. I had played with the lower switch on several occasions trying to get the brake light to work and never looked up higher to see the other switch. I have never seen two switches on one brake pedal. So I may have killed two birds with one stone (I didn't really type that did I?) with this thread. Thanks for the tip Boatbuilder.
You are correct Lou, the switch on the bottom was added as an aftermarket. That is why there are two switches on the brake pedal. I am sitting out in the middle of the Kaibab National Forest all by myself wondering if I fixed my brake light. So I decided to wait for someone to come along so I could ask them to help me and see if my brake light worked when I pushed the pedal. Then I remembered a big secret, I am a photographer who owns a video camera. So I got out my tripod and set the camera up behind the motorhome and went inside and tried the brake lights, the running lights and the turn signal lights and Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they all work!!!!! None of them worked when I bought this rig so it is nice to have some progress. Once again thanks to Boatbuilder for the tip and to everyone else who contributed to this thread. I think that the cruise control will now work properly since it appeared that the caddywampus brake light switch was retarding the travel of the brake pedal. I will find out tomorrow morning when I cruise into the park.
You are welcome Tom.  I am glad that I am able to help once in a while.  It is because of people like those in this forum helping each other that we have the great country that we do. 

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