Ever needed a windshield replacement??

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
Spent about an hour on the phone today trying to make sure we were covered for windshield replacement cost. Looking at our recently purchased AARP Hartford plan I saw both car & pickup had full glass but not the RV.

At about the same time I was looking at FMCA info and saw they mentioned glass coverage. Called them and the nice lady suggested I should call Custom Glass Solutions as they're the ones that do the work and they could offer an FMCA membership.

Called Custom Glass and while there were also very informative, I don't the FMCA person knew exactly how it worked as Custom told me that no matter what, any claim had to originate with my insurance company.

Next I called Hartford and there person must have been new as he had me on hold for over 10 minutes and finally came back with a "I think you're covered". Uh, sorry but I really need to know for certain. He said if I wanted he could ask so-and-so at such-and-such department as they were the authorities. "Yes, please".

Bottom line: A glass claim for the RV would have to be made under the comprehensive coverage. I had a $500 deductible (did not recall it was that high!) and for an extra $97/yr. that could be changed to $50 deductible.

At this point I was so weary of the back & forth & phone calls-- I just said "do it".

Perhaps there was a better option had I been more patient? Has anyone had the windshield in the motorhome replaced? I'm guessing that's a pretty costly repair?
Glass coverage changes based on state insured in and what your policy will cover.  State tends to be a requirement, for instance Florida covers with zero deductible, they see it as a safety item.  Other states have different requirements or none I suppose.  I have had a number poof replacements over the last 15 years, one time there was a crack, and the other side was delaminating at a corner.  So they replaced both and all for zero.  The we went on a cross country trip, ended up driving in a sleety snow storm over a pass in Wyoming on Rt 80.  car flew by splashed up slush that had a rock, bang, a another windshield!

If you can be there when it is done, examine the seating area for the glass, be sure it is rust free.
I've had two windshields replaced over the past 13 years.

Both times AAA took care of it with $50 deductible.  Every year when we renew our insurance with them I go into the local office and sit down with my agent and we review my policy, making sure everything is covered, especially the windshield.

Had the drivers side windshield done this year...$1,400.

AAA is great to work with and they've covered several other costly items over the years for me.
Arch Hoagland said:
I've had two windshields replaced over the past 13 years.

Both times AAA took care of it with $50 deductible.  Every year when we renew our insurance with them I go into the local office and sit down with my agent and we review my policy, making sure everything is covered, especially the windshield.

Had the drivers side windshield done this year...$1,400.

AAA is great to work with and they've covered several other costly items over the years for me.


I'm just curious.  Does AAA write you actual insurance policy or do you just have their roadside assistance coverage?
I've had two windshields replaced on our coaches, both covered by our vehicle comprehensive insurance (we reside in Florida, so zero deductible on windshields).  One was $1200 and the other about $450. The less expensive one was back in 2003 and it was a fairly simple piece of glass, so that may account for the substantially lower cost.

Obviously the time to check your insurance is BEFORE you need to make a claim.  Standard policies differ from state to state, and different insurers may offer RV glass coverage in various packages (or not at all), and the coverage may be standard or optional.  Deductibles may apply and amounts can differ.  Further, windshields may be handled differently from side glass. 

Don't assume!  Read your policy statement of coverages and any "fine print" that applies to glass and windshields. If in doubt, contact the company or your agent and ask specific questions about what is covered, deductibles, and windshields vs side glass.

Most insurers have glass companies they work with and can help arrange the repair and payment.  I even had them arrange an at-home installation for one of them.
stevensc said:

I'm just curious.  Does AAA write you actual insurance policy or do you just have their roadside assistance coverage?

We have two houses and three vehicles insured with them. Everything we own is covered by AAA. Actually CSAA as it's called in California.

We have the upgraded membership card which really comes in handy for towing the motorhome long distances.


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