EVs and Pedestrians

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When in a situation where there is a lot of pedestrian ambulation, it should be a law that EV drivers have to stick their heads out the window and loudly exclaim "Vrooom, Vrooom!!" so the folks jaywalking can hear them. Yeah, that's the ticket!
When I was in my early 20's, my car's horn had crapped out on me and I hadn't done anything about it. I was driving my dad somewhere and he said something like "you really need to fix it". As luck would have it, the car in front of us did not move when the light turned green so I stuck my head out the window and yelled "GREEN LIGHT MEANS GO". The car did move...but dad was not impressed, LOL.
He who drives the biggest ship philosophy will get you a manslaughter conviction too. It's also the motto for bullies. The rule of law, as John Locke wrote, is for the protection of private property. Having a gun or an automobile doesn't give you the right to take whatever you want, be that someone's property or their life.
True - my point being, no matter who "legally" has the right-of-way those on the lighter end of the equation need to be proactive. Just because you're in the "right" doesn't mean you're not still just as dead. If you're walking along fiddling with your phone and step into traffic, you're a Darwin candidate.

A number of years ago, a Navy warship was coming into San Diego Harbor and there were a number of pleasure boats going back and forth. A ~35-ft sailboat was crossing from port to starboard from the view of the Navy ship. Under Coast Guard rules for powered craft the warship would have had the right-of-way, but also under Coast Guard rules a sailboat under sail-power only always has the right-of-way, no matter the situation.

Now, a 10,000-ton ship can't stop or turn on a dime. The best it can do is blast a warning, which it did and the sailboat ignored them. The ship right the hell over the top of it, killing all aboard.

The family of the people killed tried to sue the Navy for violating Coast Guard regulation with regards to the safe operating of a vessel. The case got tossed, with the judge actually bringing up the Gross Tonnage rule. Yes, the sailboat has the right-of-way. No, the Navy vessel could do nothing to avoid the collision, but the sailboat could have a neglected to take evasive action.
Just because you're in the "right" doesn't mean you're not still just as dead.
Do you remember those old safety advertisements on TV (I think that was the late 1950's or early 1960s) that showed a very serious accident?

Then it showed just one car from it that was smashed up the most.

It then said, "This driver was in the right, dead right!"

-Don- Reno, NV
True - my point being, no matter who "legally" has the right-of-way those on the lighter end of the equation need to be proactive. Just because you're in the "right" doesn't mean you're not still just as dead. If you're walking along fiddling with your phone and step into traffic, you're a Darwin candidate.

A number of years ago, a Navy warship was coming into San Diego Harbor and there were a number of pleasure boats going back and forth. A ~35-ft sailboat was crossing from port to starboard from the view of the Navy ship. Under Coast Guard rules for powered craft the warship would have had the right-of-way, but also under Coast Guard rules a sailboat under sail-power only always has the right-of-way, no matter the situation.

Now, a 10,000-ton ship can't stop or turn on a dime. The best it can do is blast a warning, which it did and the sailboat ignored them. The ship right the hell over the top of it, killing all aboard.

The family of the people killed tried to sue the Navy for violating Coast Guard regulation with regards to the safe operating of a vessel. The case got tossed, with the judge actually bringing up the Gross Tonnage rule. Yes, the sailboat has the right-of-way. No, the Navy vessel could do nothing to avoid the collision, but the sailboat could have a neglected to take evasive action.
No, that wasn’t your point, it was the bigger of the two has the right of way. There’s no such thing as a gross tonnage rule. Sailboats have the right of way in open water, but not where a motorized vessel is constricted by draft to a channel. No ship or Towboat in the Houston Ship Channel is required to give way to a sailboat crossing in front, ever, and trust me there are hundreds of sailboats in Galveston Bay on any summer weekend.
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Maybe you just can't hear it?
Not a trace of it from inside the car. At least I do not hear it.

I will have to see if my Bolt has that speaker behind the grill.

But most modern ICE cars are so quiet these days they probably should have it also.

-Don- Reno, NV
US Coast Guard: Vessel approaching: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.

US Navy: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

< no response>

US Navy: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.

US Coast Guard: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.

US Navy: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

US Coast Guard: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Semper Paratus
No, that wasn’t your point, it was the bigger of the two has the right of way. There’s no such thing as a gross tonnage rule. Sailboats have the right of way in open water, but not where a motorized vessel is constricted by draft to a channel. No ship or Towboat in the Houston Ship Channel is required to give way to a sailboat crossing in front, ever, and trust me there are hundreds of sailboats in Galveston Bay on any summer weekend.
Yes, it was my point. And no, The Gross Tonnage Rule is not something that is put in writing. It is a tongue-n-cheek adage about being vigilant on the water and not expecting others to watch out for you, no matter if you are piloting by the rules or not, because sometimes you are doing everything correctly but are still at fault. And the judge bringing it up was also only pointing out the same thing. Just as if you were to rear-end someone in your car. The common perception is that the person doing the rear-ending is in the wrong 99% of the time, but it doesn't always work that way.

So, even if you are a pedestrian and 'legally' have the right of way simply because of that, don't expect not to be ironed out in the middle of the road if you aren't vigilant. It is not the job of anyone but you to watch your own ass.
US Coast Guard: Vessel approaching: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.

US Navy: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

< no response>

US Navy: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.

US Coast Guard: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.

US Navy: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

US Coast Guard: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Semper Paratus
Old, but still funny.
Lol , well sorry this made you so excited. When I write things don't get to attached to it , my words may come out wrong. I don't think or wish anyone to get hit by a car I'm saying that some people are so ignorant that they don't think about the person in the car. I've had people wonder to the street and I'd have to slam on the brakes , instead of an apology I get the figure when it was their fault for not paying attention. So if you think I'm sick for saying what I did that's OK doesn't hurt my feeling. But because of an ignorant person driving for three months blowing a stop sign I've been messed up for over 20 years living on SSD each month and I made more than that in a weeks time. So being a single father that took alot from my son growing up. Now that may have been a vehicle that pop out in the street but the same thing could have happened swerving to miss a pedestrian.
Do you remember those old safety advertisements on TV (I think that was the late 1950's or early 1960s) that showed a very serious accident?

Then it showed just one car from it that was smashed up the most.

It then said, "This driver was in the right, dead right!"

-Don- Reno, NV
I remember those ads.. Sort of pointed out the obvious to those who were interactively challenged. LOL
AS much as I am not a fan of EV I don't agree with this. I tend to look before I walk where cars might be driving. At least most of the time anyway.
1716955642148.gif From the time I was old enough to walk beside my parents, I repeatedly heard "look both ways before crossing a street". that advice has never changed AFAIK.
In Mexico a pedestrian who steps into the street is fair game for motorists.
While working on the west coast, I was told by the locals in Oakland to be sure and use the crosswalks. The said that the drivers would literally harass pedestrian jay walkers who got in their way. I assumed it was sort of a backlash for having to wait for slow pokes using the cross walks. o_O

Safe travels and all the best.
They do in some states, such as CA.

The sign will say"25 MPH when children are present". Could be 45 MPH when the school is open but no kids seen.

However, even if kids can only be seen in the playground, and all fenced in, it still counts as "kids present" in CA.

But most state laws are stricter on this than is CA.

CA school zone sign:
View attachment 173186
-Don- Reno, NV
By the letter of the law "when children are present" does not specifically mean during school hours, or even that the children have to be visible.

Strictly speaking, even if the speed limit is 45 MPH when children are not present (well outside school hours), and it is 10 PM and you are doing 45 MPH past the school, if there are a couple of children in the auditorium practicing for a school play you can be cited.

You can go to court and probably reasonably argue the circumstances, the charges would be dropped and the officer admonished by the judge, but an stupid cop could cite you for it.
While working on the west coast, I was told by the locals in Oakland to be sure and use the crosswalks. The said that the drivers would literally harass pedestrian jay walkers who got in their way. I assumed it was sort of a backlash for having to wait for slow pokes using the cross walks. o_O

Safe travels and all the best.
Well generally, though enforcement is very very rare. There are laws to that effect.

Another thing as a child I was taught when riding a Bicycle to ride on the LEFT side so you were facing oncoming traffic.. As and Adult I read the law. (Michigan Vehicle Code) Which SPECIFICALLY says Bicycles are vehicles just like Motor Cycles, Cars, Semi trucks and need to be ridden at the extreme RIGHT side of the road and obey all traffic regulations .. Like Stop signs, red lights, speed limits though there is are two exceptions. You may ride on a side walk (Speed limit however, walking speed) and you may get off and WALK the bike through what would otherwise be an illegal left turn.
By the letter of the law "when children are present" does not specifically mean during school hours, or even that the children have to be visible.

Strictly speaking, even if the speed limit is 45 MPH when children are not present (well outside school hours), and it is 10 PM and you are doing 45 MPH past the school, if there are a couple of children in the auditorium practicing for a school play you can be cited.

You can go to court and probably reasonably argue the circumstances, the charges would be dropped and the officer admonished by the judge, but an stupid cop could cite you for it.

Maybe that’s true in your state, but not here in WA. If there is a “When children are present” sign only, it means when there are children using the crosswalks or shoulders along the roadway within the posted school zone.

Theres an unwritten rule…if you are a commercial driver, there is always a kid in the school zone.

It’s actually not the school zones that annoy me, it’s the drivers who don’t think the law applies to them. Even if there are no children, but there is a sign that says school zone 20mph (when light is flashing) and the light is flashing, someone is usually trying to push me down the road because I’ll actually do 20mph from sign to sign while the person behind me comes unglued.
As and Adult I read the law. (Michigan Vehicle Code) Which SPECIFICALLY says Bicycles are vehicles just like Motor Cycles, Cars, Semi trucks and need to be ridden at the extreme RIGHT side
You always ride a bike with the traffic and walk against the traffic.
Maybe that’s true in your state, but not here in WA. If there is a “When children are present” sign only, it means when there are children using the crosswalks or shoulders along the roadway within the posted school zone.
Common sense dictates we drive the slower speed through school zones when children are present. Now, where are schools built? Predominantly In neighborhoods where children live so there will always be children present. There is a time before and after school that one should be particularly careful when driving through a school zone. Do folks get tickets for speeding through school zones; only if you get caught.
School buses: you are required to stop, in both directions, when a school bus displays its stop sign. But not in all cases. On two lane roads, yes. On four lane roads yes. If it’s a divided highway, no. If the school bus is on a single lane and you are on a three lane road traveling the opposite direction as the bus and you are in the third lane (farthest from the bus) and there is a double yellow line between lanes.
You always ride a bike with the traffic and walk against the traffic.

Common sense dictates we drive the slower speed through school zones when children are present. Now, where are schools built? Predominantly In neighborhoods where children live so there will always be children present. There is a time before and after school that one should be particularly careful when driving through a school zone. Do folks get tickets for speeding through school zones; only if you get caught.
School buses: you are required to stop, in both directions, when a school bus displays its stop sign. But not in all cases. On two lane roads, yes. On four lane roads yes. If it’s a divided highway, no. If the school bus is on a single lane and you are on a three lane road traveling the opposite direction as the bus and you are in the third lane (farthest from the bus) and there is a double yellow line between lanes.

Common sense? Ha! Not if you're late to pick up or drop off the little brat from school. Then it's ok to drive like a demon, apparently.
Common sense? Ha! Not if you're late to pick up or drop off the little brat from school. Then it's ok to drive like a demon, apparently.
I think what I meant about common sense is for folks like you and me. Like I said you could probably speed through a school zone most of your life and not get caught. Well, not you and me because we are most likely the exception.

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