F250 sd 5.4 liter gas 3.73 transmission

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Jul 25, 2005
I have a 2005 F250 SD 5.4 (gas) with a gcvw of 16,000 lbs (uvw of truck is 5600 lbs). I want to purchase a fifth wheel with a uvw of 9200 lbs. Manual says I can haul 9700 max trailer weight. I have never towed a fifth wheel before. How will this tow? Most of our trips will be under 300 miles on flat roads a couple of times a year. Any helpful input will be appreciated.
You may want to add airbags or one of the other overload 'enhancers'  I have SuperSprings added on my F350.  This consists of a leaf shackled on under small amount of pressure.  Doesn't affect the ride with no load, but when the load comes on, it works.  I really like it.  What this will do for the fifth wheel is keep you level under load. 

As to what will it be like to haul, once moving, I can't answer you that one yet.  Currently I have the slide on camper and a tow trailer.  The 350 moves this great, total weight about 6000 pounds, and I am rated way above it.

Handling pulling 5er is more comfortable than a pull trailer, easier to back up, can back into a tighter spot I hear.  I have dirven 5th wheels before and many tongue type trailers, but never had the opportunity to do one, then the other.

Largo i have a 2000 F250 SD with the same 5.4 motor and same rear gears i have a automatic in mine i pull a 9660# cedar creek even though i can pull it, it does max out the motor you will find the motor has plenty of torque but lacks horse power on the top end around 60 mph or so. I hope this helps
It will tow but will lack acceleration and be short on hill-climbing ability.

The arithmetic is simple for a fifth wheel. Subtract the weight of the truck and EVERYTHING in  it (passengers, gear, fifth wheel hitch, fuel) from the GCWR and that's the max you can pull.  Realistically, with that gearing and engine, you want to be below that figure by maybe 10% if possible.

You also need to be concerned about the rear axle GAWR because the tongue (kingpin) weight of the fifth wheel rests directly over the rear axle.  I think an F250 rear axle should be able to carry the weight of the trailer you are looking at, but check the numbers to be sure. Remember, the hitch and any gear you carry in the truck bed is also pretty much directly on the rear axle too.

You would be much better off with a 4:10 axle or whatever higher ratio may be available for that engine.
Thanks for the info. It sounds like what I want to do will be at the maximum capabilities of the truck.

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