You may want to add airbags or one of the other overload 'enhancers' I have SuperSprings added on my F350. This consists of a leaf shackled on under small amount of pressure. Doesn't affect the ride with no load, but when the load comes on, it works. I really like it. What this will do for the fifth wheel is keep you level under load.
As to what will it be like to haul, once moving, I can't answer you that one yet. Currently I have the slide on camper and a tow trailer. The 350 moves this great, total weight about 6000 pounds, and I am rated way above it.
Handling pulling 5er is more comfortable than a pull trailer, easier to back up, can back into a tighter spot I hear. I have dirven 5th wheels before and many tongue type trailers, but never had the opportunity to do one, then the other.