Facebook - your personal information is not safe

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I use Duck Duck Go for my browser, use Adgaurd for ad filter (highly recommended), and Norton Utilities plus their VPN. I dumped FB for Gab, Tell & Rumble. I get real news from Epoch Times. I'm covered lol...
But it's still far from a guaranteed safe, even though it is closer to that than many...
So if sending checks through the mail, not to mention it’s a crap shoot if they will get there, and online banking is not safe how do we pay our bills?

Online banking is safe. Keep your device up to date on software updates and use a good antivirus product. If you have to pay them over free RV park wifi, it's better to use a VPN than not, but you can still use it. Use a credit card instead of providing ACH/debit information, or, if you do, set up your checking account specifically for paying bills; don't pay it out of your "life savings" account. Also, set up distinct passwords for every account even if you have to write it down and keep it in a safe place in order to remember all your passwords. Same with security questions; make up answers that are different for every account, things that are unguessable as mentioned above: "What is your mother's maiden name: SBuxCoffeeRox". It's not rocket science...you're removing the opportunity for someone to guess and/or steal and reuse information in order to access more information.

We live in a world which is not so private, but, it is still easy to do things fairly securely, with minimal effort.
So if sending checks through the mail, not to mention it’s a crap shoot if they will get there, and online banking is not safe how do we pay our bills?
All of my recurring bills are set up on auto pay. I keep track of them on an old copy of Microsoft Money and check the bank's web site every couple of days from their app on my phone.
All of my recurring bills are set up on auto pay. I keep track of them on an old copy of Microsoft Money and check the bank's web site every couple of days from their app on my phone.
The only two bills we have that are fixed are the two mortgages. The credit cards and utility bills are different each month. I just go in on the first of each month and pay the bills. Takes less than 5 minutes.

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