Fall Color in Dallas, TX

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Ron from Big D

Moderator Emeritus
Jan 30, 2005
Dallas, Texas
    Hi all:  It is not often we get some good fall color, so I took these shots along the route of my morning walk today.  I am really enjoying the color.


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Nice Ron.  And a unique perspective, since when you look from a normal distance, you don't really see much special usually.  Our "falls" around here tend to be green, a flash of color, then bare trees.  I will have to try your approach to get what I can.
Beautiful colors! Thanks for sharing. I especially liked the photo of the berries. What are those?

Edjunior:    In order to appreciate the color variations and textures of the plants, you have to move in closer.  Also this allows you to isolate what you are trying to show and eliminates all the other distractions in the photos.
Ron from Big D said:
Edjunior:    In order to appreciate the color variations and textures of the plants, you have to move in closer.  Also this allows you to isolate what you are trying to show and eliminates all the other distractions in the photos.

I can certainly see that in your pictures.  I will be playing with that and see how it goes.  Here are a couple I took from last year.  We don't have quite this color yet, but probably will within a week or two.



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Gorgeous colors!  I especially like #9158.  What a stunning array of colors.  The liquid ambers (ash) sure are pretty.  We had a street in Redwood City CA that was lined with them and it was always so pretty.  Downtown Coburg OR also some on the main street.  I also recognized the pyracantha berries.  For those who don't know about pyracantha bushes, birds love the berries and sometimes get falling-down drunk on them!  What's the one with the heart-shape leaves?  I recognize it but don't know its name.  Anyway, nice photos, Ron.

Ardra:  That is either a Fruitless Mulberry or Bradford Pear.  I didn't look carefully at the branch structure to tell for sure.  Both trees have similar leaves, but I would bet on the Bradford Pear.  Don't recall that the Mulberry gets that good color.

Also, I made a mistake on the Pyracantha.  It is actually a Yaupon Holly.  The berries are very similar.

Tom:  I agree, that is a good shot and your title is excellent.

Wow! You have trees there? I thought all you had was prairie grass and tumbleweed.  ;D ;D ;D
Very nice pics. The colors over here in east Texas have been really nice. There are areas that are absolutely beautiful although the colors are beginning to wane a bit.
Ron from Big D said:
Bruce:  You need to travel a little more.  Texas has a lot of trees.

We have lots of trees here but mostly Cedar and Live Oak and they don't change color :(  Only the grass turns brown.
We have lots of trees here but mostly Cedar and Live Oak and they don't change color  Only the grass turns brown.

That is just so sad!  :'(

Ah, but we have Bluebonnets and other wild flowers to make up for the trees.
    Since you have so little color Ned.  Here is my latest creation to take up your void.


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Thanks, Ron, I needed that :)  It's beautiful.
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