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Jan 14, 2018
Hi gang, I figured I'd ask the friendliest place on the web for probably a stupid question. We can't get the Maxx fan to come on. It's an older style I believe so no remote control. Does the fan work on house batteries or just when plugged in to shore or generator?
It has a switch with In on one side, off in the middle and Out on the other side. My guess either In or Out should be the on button. It has fan speed and a thermostat for cooler. Not digital either, good old knobs type of thing. When we do the In or the Out, there's nothing. No sound or movement of the fan.
Be gently with technical words with me... we really know nothing about our RV. We bought it used and the fella give us a quick run down about it but of course, we don't remember half the things he said. lol
I'm not familiar with that model...mine is newer push button digital type

I would say that
in = draw air into the RV
out = push air out of the rv

Have you adjusted the thermostat while it is in either of the 'on' positions? 
I'd guess that you did, so maybe it's just not warm enough to trip the thermostat (mine works to turn ON when it gets warmer than the thermostat's set point.

Unless it's a user modification, it would work from battery power (the house battery, not the engine)
the use/store switch needs to be in USE mode to turn on the electric throughout the RV

and if not that..... fuses, breakers.....
As Brad indicates, it should run on 12V from house batteries. The IN and OUT probably refer to reversing the fan direction to blow or suck air (as Brad also indicates), thus both are probably ON.

Given your description, it sounds as if there may be a wiring problem, perhaps a missing ground, a blown fuse, or something else in the wiring being broken or shorted. Of course it could be a bad switch, but I'd expect one direction or the other to work, at least somewhat, if that were the case.
On some models there is a glass fuse on the face. It unscrews and the fuse is inside. Not sure on your model though. Has to be fused somewhere.
The fan won't run unless the crank up cover is opened. Press the in or out side of the switch and then crank the cover open until the fan starts.
Also check to see if its operated by a light switch. Sometimes wiring is pulled from a light.
Thank you everyone! After going through some suggestions, it appears it was the thermostat set too low, that's why it wasn't coming on, too cold out already.
At least now I know it works!
The only Stupid question is the one you WISHed you'd asked...earlier. But did not cause you thought it was too stupid..

As in "I wonder.. naa. that's too stupid"
Wish I'd asked that question.
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