Feb/Mar Road conditions - Lake Havasu AZ, Flaggstaff AZ, Albequeque NM ?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2009
Currently planning
1) Late Jan - Quartzsite AZ to Lake Havasu via 95 N ..
2) Early Feb - Lake Havasu to Las Vegas via 95 N to 40 E to 93 N
3) Mid Feb - Las Vegas to Phoenix via 93 S
4) Late Feb - Phoenix to Flagstaff  via17 N
5) Early Mar - Flagstaff to Albequeque NM via 40W
Then headed south to TX via 25.

All of these roads look major -- baring a possible storm that would delay something a few hours or a day, Am I correct in presuming these are all pretty mild routes ? 
Flagstaff, AZ lies at an altitude of of 7000 feet above sea level.    It will be cold and you may encounter snow.  See http://www.arizonasnowbowl.com/, the Flagstaff ski area.

Phoenix AZ is at 1150 feet altitude.  Temperature falls 5?F per thousand feet of altitude.  Flagstaff will be some 30?F colder than Phoenix on a given day.
A picture is worth a thousand words. A friend was coming back from Florida's Bike Week, meeting us in Phoenix in March. He opted to go from Albequerque to Flagstaff on March 17, 2011. It was a nice sunny day when he made the ride. The picture is what he woke up to on the 18th.



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The average low temperature in Flagstaff in February is 23 degrees. This means you will have to have your water system winterized the entire time you are there. You will be ok on the rest of your stops.
#4 & 5 depending on the weather may be a problem. If a storm has/is going on I-17 just before you arrive in Flaggstaff may have black ice conditions. I-40 may be closed if same conditions are encountered. Albuquerque has snow sometimes also. Check weather conditions before driving I-17 or I-40.
OK.. Thanks for the insight on Flagstaff and Albequeque possible issues....Will have to watch it closely late Feb and see if we can gamble on the weather for that area for a few days to get a quick visit and through there....
Worst case senario, may have to skip that part of our AZ winter visit.
I-40 in Flagstaff can be seriously nasty in a big snowstorm. But if you keep an eye on the weather, you should be ok. Just avoid the area if the weather is bad (been there, done that).

Had six inches of snow last April in Albuquerque so you never know, watch the weather reports  :)

My blog post with photos (off to Arizona, link in sig line).
I traveled Flagstaff to Kingman day before yesterday and the weather was beautiful, so you just need to watch the weather. I am in Kingman for at least the next 2 months or so...be happy to give a detailed weather update when you get closer.

Rt 40 is rough and in need of some repair, it wasn't terrible, but bumpy for sure. They are building a "crossover" on the East side of Kingman so I am pretty sure they are planning to repave soon and it is needed.

Good luck and PM or email (follow link in my signature to website and email) if you have any questions as you get closer.

When we got to OK City yesterday, conditions didn't look good going thru Alequerque and Flagstaff this week so I went south on 54  from Santa Rosa to Las Cruces and then west from there...
Will take a good look at maybe going to Flagstaff / Albequerque / Co Springs near end of Feb again... if it doesn't look good, will skip that area and stay south
Good to know that the roads / routes for the rest of the locations is fine..
Have a great winter..

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