Finally Decided

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Oct 4, 2006
Hello All.

I've finally decided to enjoy life a little more with all the opportunities in the RV world.

I've browsed this forum and it seems, as you say, a very friendly place. I'm in Northern California in the foothills of the Sierra. I'm just getting started with trying to fathom all the possibilities in what to purchase; it's a little bewildering and I'm certain I'll be asking for help with a lot of (perhaps dumb) questions.
Sierrabus said:
I'm just getting started with trying to fathom all the possibilities in what to purchase; it's a little bewildering and I'm certain I'll be asking for help with a lot of (perhaps dumb) questions.


Welcome to the Forum. We'll be more than happy to answer, as best we can :D, any and all of your questions. Just remember, there are no dumb questions.
I'll add my welcome to Bernie's.

Where in the foothills are you? We're down in the San Joaquin Valley and our daughter lives with her family in Nevada City.
Let me add my welcome to Bernie's and Toms.  There is a lot of Experience among the members of the RV Forum and we are happy to share and offer help or suggestions when asked.  So please look around the forum, ask questions, join in on any of the ongoing discussions or start new discussions. Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for the welcome. Much appreciated.

Wife and I live in Murphys area.
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