Finding RV Campsite in Chicago

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Mr Bojangles

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Hamburg, PA.
Hello All:

I?m looking to stay in RV Campsite close to Chicago, Ill OR in Chicago in near future.
Have surfed the net with no luck?..
I want to be as close to ?O?Hara Nat?l Airport? and ?Chicago Midway Airport? as possible.

Some names of locations near where I want to stay are:
Elm Hurst, Oak Brook, Downers Grove, Lombard, Cicero?..

This may be a dream but, looking for now?.
Towing a 19' Trail-Sport

Thanking you,
Don't think you are going to find anything near O'hare  Property is far too expensive to have an RV park for 6 months a year.  Down around Joliet there are several.  That might be your best bet  Still a good distance for your objective.  Sorry maybe someone else knows of one.  Goob Luck
And O'Hare and Midway aren't exactly close together.
Mr Bojangles

I don't know of all campgrounds, but the closest I know of is Buffalo Park at Algonquin. It is about 35 miles, however I have never been there. Fish Lake at Volo is about 40 Miles. It is nice, but crowded and hard to get reservations. There is Lehmans at about 55miles and Windy City at about 40 miles. I would say that your best bet is Fish Lake and Windy City. Most everything else is farther away.

Got to be like wanting to camp in the middle of a war zone, with that mess up there  Been thru it many times with the RV and it's no picnic.  Last time was about 3 year ago with this rig pulling th etrailer and went to Navy Pier.  I managed to get in and out and spent the night on the pier.  What a nightmare. I don't recommend an RV anywhere near the area. You haven't seen traffic until you've driven in the Chi area.  Good Luck
Karl, Shayne:
Nothing that would make sense to anyone....
In 1955, on New Years Eve, looking out the window of a Grayhound bus which just departed the terminal minutes before the New Year, the memory of those New year's Eve Revelers celebrating in the streets of Chicago, under the El (elevated) was etched in my mind. I was a scared 17 year boy on way to Lowry AFB, beginning my life's adventure. Being from Philly, and "growing up" one block from the "Frankford El" I was fascinated by the differant structure of the Elevated. I knew I was in another part of the country. Of the 36 hours or more spent on that ride, that memory stood out.

I have been so lucky all my life.... having flunked 9th grade, living a life style that led others to jail, i was able to enter Air Force, get HS diploma in Florida, enter work force, work for same company for 37 years to receive pension, SS and IRA monies enough to travel. On my way to Alaska thru Canada, and, Chicago on way...., why not see what has changed. I will park TT, then sight see for two or three days. One of those bus terminals will be the one I departed. I live in country and enjoy driving into Philly and NYC once or twice a year for the excitement. I'm also a Recovering Alcoholic, and believe me, my decease (my disease, Ha, ha!) took me to scarier places. Today I can see the danger coming, it's just that my body will not run when i say.... "Feet... don't fail me now." Now I'm going to be a SCARED OLD MAN.
? ?
Mike and I grew up in southern California. Worst traffic we've EVER been in, bar none, is in Chicago.
I understand your reasons for wanting to revisit Chicago, but you'll find much has changed in the past 40 years.  There are many parts of the city that I wouldn't go near on a bet that were safe in years past.  I hope you're not disappointed.
Bojangles -  I understand where you are coming from but stay outside of the area with the camper and travel by car/truck into town  You'll understand why once you are there.  Experienced at it as well as others.  Good luck
Mr. B

We once wanted to drive around downtown Chicago and see the Museum of Science and Industry on a "SUNDAY".  The closest we found was a "not so nice" Jellystone campground at or near Gary, Indiana.  Check the Trailer Life Campground directory in this area.  It's a quick and easy drive to downtown cHICAGO on a Sunday.  BTW, we had a great day.

Far as I know, and I have looked hard, there is no place to park a Motor Home withing the Chicago area

There are several places just outside the windy city, but not in it, at least not for long and not that I'd feel good parking in (Possibly a few parking lots, but I'd rather not go there with a MH.)

Now I have driven Chicago in various cars, but I'd not want to drive the big rig

And someone recently mentioned stying OFF the Dan Ryan (Orange Barrell problems I think)
Course you could rough it at a local walmart in the area.  Some in the near by suburbs may allow you stay there in the parking lot a couple days.  Being a 40 yr veteran of Chicago I wouldn't guarantee any will or that your rig would still be there when you got back.  Or you may find it was tagged (painted with gang signs).  To avoid this stay at least 25 miles NW, West or SW from Chi.  The farther the better.  Definitely stay off the Dan Ryan it is a construction nightmare & the I-90/94 tolls amount to nothing more than the legal financial rape of out-of-staters.  Most of that is also under construction as well.  Come to think of it, from 1 native Chicagoian, I'd say, don't go, enjoy the memories that you have because I doubt you'll enjoy it there now.

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