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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
Hi everyone!
I have a question, after reading journals in this fourm and others I am begining to have second thoughts and I have come to you all for your opinions.
We have reservations for next summer (yes I know it is a long ways off but need to have reservations in now) at the Fishing Bridge Campground in Yellowstone. We have a 40' DP MH and we are bringing our dogs with us 2 little yorkies and 1 maltese. I heard there is quite a bit of bear and cyotoe activity here, my dogs are indoor dogs and use a litter box. But I am concerned anyhow I have one that is a barker at strange sounds and when we are out sightseeing I just feel uneasy about this.
Do you think I am to worried about nothing? Have any of you brought your dogs to Fishing Bridge and any problems at all?
Any other suggestions of a good RV park close to YS entrance perfer the east cost does not matter here?

Colleen FL
We were there for five days two years ago.  Never saw any wild life in or around Fishing Bridge.  Saw lots of it elsewhere in the park.  You should have a wonderful time.  Only problem you may have is being talked to by the park management if the barking dog annoys other park guest.  You might ask for a spot away from others, and by all means let them know you have dogs with you.  Fishing Bridge is a big park, and centrally located in Yellowstone.  Yellowstone is a VERY BIG place.  Lots to see and do, so don't get in a rush, just have fun and enjoy it.

They don't bark that much to annoy people just the terrior in them we usually leave a radio or tv on for them for background noise. I certainly will let them know about us having dogs.
From what I have read this is the best place to stay especially with it being inside YS. I guess it is just the mother in me protecting my babies. If a cyote came up and they saw it they would bark at it and I just don;t want them to attrack more attention to themselves when we are not there. I guess there really is no way an animal could get inside our RV unless it shredded it apart.


Would love to hear more stories from others on Fishing Bridge with there pets in there RV

We go to Yellowstone almost every year.  It is one of my favorite parks.  We usually stay outside of the Yellowstone and take our tow car in.  However we did check out Fishing Bridge campground.  It is very tight campground and the spaces are very close together.  I felt like motorhomes were packed in like sardines. (just my opinion)

If I recall you will be there sometime in May/June.  If so I would expect bear activity in that campground.  They won't bother your motorhome; but they will be in the area.  That campground is restricted to hard sided vehicles tents because of the bears.  Bear do not rip into motorhomes, it's too much work...{smile}

You might want to consider the "Madison CAmpground" in Yellowstone.  It is more centrally located in the park and you can make reservations.  They have sights with electric hookups; but no full hookups if I'm remembering correctly; but they have a dump station.  There is also the "Grizzly Bear" campground outside of the west entrance which is right in the little town of "West Yellowstone".  Lots of shops and a museum.  Be sure you try their local ice cream.  My favorite is "moose tracks".  Vanilla with big chunks of chocolate.

We travel with 2 cats and a dog.  One thing to consider when traveling with dogs (or cats) is to have an updated health certificate and proof of rabies with you.  NOt that anything will happen, just that you will have it if any one asks.

Another intersting thing about Yellowstone.  If you look at it, the park is shaped like a rectangle.  The two main roads are diagonal to each other.  The northwest section of the park is where most of the mountain goats are.  The northeast section is where most of the grizzly bear hang out.  The southwest section is full of elkand Bison and the southeast seems to not have much for some reason.  Artist Point is beautiful along with all the geysers that are strewn throughout the park.

If you get that far in your travels, the Beartooth highway is beautiful.  DON'T take your motorhome up there; but the tow car will do fine.  It's gorgeous.


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