FL Recall 501A Experience

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2007
Cary, NC
I'm not sure where this should go, but it is kind of technical and I didn't see anyplace else that seemed to fit.  If this fits somewhere else, please move it.

This really is a continuation of a previous thread about Freightliner Recall 501A, but I can't remember where I posted it and searching those terms brings back a "no reults", so here it is.

For background the FL Recall 501A dealt with the possiblity that some steering gear bolts or nuts may have been incorrectly torqued during construction resulting in a situation "where there may be a sudden loss of steering control".  The solution was to get to a Freghtliner service place and have the bolts/nuts checked and possibly have replacement parts installed.

I'm posting my experience in hopes it may help others who may have a similar experience.

The recall service was performed on our coach by Charlotte Truck Center, Charlotte, NC.  After the service was performed, on the way home (130 miles) the steering seemed "loose" with a lot of "play", but controllable, and we needed to get home so just drove on.

Later, the more I thought about the steering play, the more concerned I became.  With help from The Navigator, I was able to determine that from top dead center, the steering wheel needed to move 45 degrees to either the left or the right before the wheels responded.

When traveling down the highway the steering wheel was almost always held about 45 degrees to the left, probably to counter the highway's camber toward the ditch.  When correction to the right was needed I had to move the steering wheel about 90 degrees to the right to get any action, then , of course, about 90 degrees to the left to straighten out.

I had several conversations about this problem with a service writer at CTC who was unfailingly helpful, but ran into a brick wall with the shop foreman who insisted that nothing they had done in the recall fix could have caused my steering problem.  After several weeks of frustration, including sending pictures illustrating the problem, I finally told them we needed to stop trying to place or avoid placing blame and just fix the problem, because even if it was not something they did or caused, I needed my steering tightened up and it needed to be done by Freightliner.

I delivered the coach to CTC yesterday and got it back today with the steering back the way it should be.  The explanation was that the bolts used in the "recall fix" were too long and had "bottomed out" and "torqued to specs" leaving the "play" in the steering I was experiencing.  I was assured that "the tie rod was securely fastened and that there was no danger involved".  It was implied, but not stated, that the "too long bolts" had been provided by Freightliner in the "recall fix kit".

The new fix was to redo the job with shorter bolts.  It seems to have worked.

So, if anyone else has the recall work performed and the steering seems "loose", have your service facility check out the legth of the bolts used in the repair.

Yes, I'm upset that I didn't make an immediate U-turn and go back to CTC when I felt the steering problem.  Yes, I'm upset that CTC didn't catch the problem before they returned the coach to me.  Yes, I'm upset that I had to make another 270 mile trip (40 gallons of diesel at $4.15/gallon) to get it "refixed".

BUT, I'm thankful that no real harm was done, that a semi didn't blow me off the road while I whipped the steering wheel back and forth, that the winds were't blowing up a storm during the trip, and that now everything is in order for our anticipated trip to the Nashville mini rally next week.

Don Nesbitt
Cary, NC

WoW!! I don't know how accsesable it is or if a person can see it visually, but you would think the Tech. could have felt when putting the bolts in that something wasn't right!!! I mean you torque the bolts down & don't reach up or down to make sure they FEEL right. If it were me I'd call the Manufacturer & see if they won't reimburse your fuel usage. 

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