Fleetwood Flair Slammed Breaks and Engine Shut Off

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Dec 15, 2018
Hey folks,

I?m looking for some help. I was driving our 1989 Fleetwood Flair 24? motorhome to the gas station to fill it up from a quarter tank.

A car pulled out in front of me so I Slammed on my brakes and the engine shut off seconds after I did that. I was able to restart it and drive it into a gas fill spot but once I got there it?s simply died again and did not start back up.

Now when I go back to try and restart it it will start on the second attempt and only be on for about three to 5 seconds and then shut off and not start again.

I?ve checked the inertia fuel switch and it did not trip.

Any idea on how to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance and will give updates as attempts are made.
What chassis? My guess would be a blown vacuum power brake booster or hose, but if it?s a F53 Ford it would have hydraulically boosted brakes. Don?t know about Chevy or others
Could be as simple as a clogged fuel filter. A sudden stop can cause the accumulated sludge in the filter to shift forward enough to clog the outlet.  Folks often forget to ever change that filter until fuel stops flowing.
A possibility:  Maybe the chassis has a fuel pump shutoff, designed to shut the fuel flow off in case of an accident?  Cars and light trucks have them, but not sure abut your '89 motorhome chassis.  If so, there will be a reset button for it somewhere.  Is it a Ford (460 cid) or a Chevy (454 cid) engine?

I'll check the fuel filter too because that definitely sounds possible.  The fuel lines are pressurized; any tricks to taking them off the filter?
It is possible something got knocked loose but I'm thinking the interial switch (And yes it's  a FORD that is obvios)

I mean I' tripped my wife's car's hitting a pot hole.. Thankfully I knew about it and where it was hidden.
Larry N. said:
John, did you overlook this statement the OP made?

"I?ve checked the inertia fuel switch and it did not trip. "

Not saying yours does but I had a ford ranger that had 2 inertia switches. Both were a pain to find.
If your other suggestion don't pan out and because of the sudden reaction I would check a loose ground strap or  battery cable on the starter. I ran into this on my International.
catblaster said:
Not saying yours does but I had a ford ranger that had 2 inertia switches. Both were a pain to find.

Old post, but I went through this with a friend's mid '90s F53. We did indeed find a second "doodad" bolted to a frame rail about halfway down the chassis that had failed after crossing a.... road obstacle. Killed the fuel pump. Fortunately he spotted it before I drove 200 miles to help him drop a fuel tank at an RV park!

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