Florida - finally - in March

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2010
Springfield, Mo.
Ever since we got our MH in 2009 I've wanted to make a Florida trip.  Finally, we're planning on going in March.  My youngest son and his family try to hit Destin (Topsail) for spring break.  I didn't think I'd be ready after having surgery, but I'm coming along great.  But, as late as it is, I was pretty sure we couldn't get reservations this late.  I looked on ReserveAmerica anyway, just hoping.  There were only 2 sites available for the timeframe.  Can you believe it!  I got a site next door to my son.  Now what's the odds that would happen?  So, mid March it is.  Just hope for warm weather and maybe, just maybe a couple of sunshinny days.
Congrats on getting a site next to family. Hope it works out Tom. The only time we stayed in Destin, it rained  :(
This is our 5th year coming to Florida since I retired! The weather has been great so far except for a couple of cool days last week. By March its usually nice and warm.

Scott  :)
Tom said:
Congrats on getting a site next to family. Hope it works out Tom. The only time we stayed in Destin, it rained  :(
I guess rain I can take as long as it's warm and not a gail. :)

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