FMCA Indio Rally Jan.9-13

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
FMCA RALLY INDIO, January 9-13

We have signed up for the Indio rally. Handicap area with electrical.
Who else will be there?. We plan to arrive Jan. 7 or 8.
After the event we plan to go to Anza Borego and Quartzsite. Our Health and Physical time clock is running faster and faster and we are closing in to our 80Th. and 79 Th. B'Day and 55 Th. Anniversary. So we thought this trip would be a good time to say Good Bye to the motorhome and off road life style adventures and say hello and good bye to our old and new friends

Chris & Mimi
Since we are playing the Dr. game, we will miss you.  Best wishes on a good trip and a great farewell!!  BTW, we are in the 80/79 year game too but hope to come out of our current problems and be able to RV for a few more years.  Time will tell.
Hi Jim,

Thanks for wishing us a good trip. By the way we go a long way back. We had our first communication on CompuServe in 1994-or 1995. We had a Dolphin and were going to a big RV show in Pomona. Overthere we met Frank and Barbara Barbieri (spelling) with there Dolphin Toyota.
Hope you and Pat are doing well with your medical problems and if you going South there may be time for a mini rally. Any way I like your positive attitude to keep going on with RV ing


Sheila and I will be there along with the same group that was there last year.

BTW, we joined the forum (Compuserve) in 1993 and met our first fellow forum (Ian Macintosh) at the Fryeburg, ME FMCA rally to commemorate the beginning of FMCA at Hinkley, ME in June 1994. In September 94 we met Joe Lacey and Gary Lee at the Hersey RV show. Time sure does fly by!!

Look forward to seeing you both again ay Indio.


chrpennings said:
FMCA RALLY INDIO, January 9-13

..................So we thought this trip would be a good time to say Good Bye to the motorhome and off road life style adventures and say hello and good bye to our old and new friends

Chris & Mimi

Chris, that's what you said last year! :D  We'll see you next month and for years to come.

Chris can say that every year. We're just glad to see them again!

When they do "hang up" the keys, we'll all just have to go visit them at home. They won't get away from us that easily.


What great news.... We will be meeting at the Spotlight Casino on the 6th and going into the Rally in the morning to the electric hookups.
We'll be there, too, either in the handicap electric section or the regular electric section. Probably spend a couPle of days before at Fantasy Springs casino (Gordon likes the big field).



We're skipping the Indio FMCA Rally this year but we hope to see you two at Quartzsite in January.  Would you please be sure to bring that vacuum cleaner with you again?  You never know when a certain someone might have another fire extinguisher 'accident'.
Hi Rolf,

We are only bringing the vacuum cleaner if you promise not to play with the fire extinguisher any more :)
See you in QZ.

Hi,  To all the FMCA Indio rally RV Forum participants We look forward seeing you guys.
Terry we will be leaving home Sunday Jan.6 and staying overnight at the Orange Grove ampground in Bakersfield (Edison)
Next day we drive direct to the Holding area in Indio and we may be ready for a good Mexican Dinner that night.

[quote author=chrpennings].... staying overnight at the Orange Grove campground in Bakersfield... [/quote]

Chris, you should try the Bakersfield RV Resort for a change; Just a little further south on Hwy 99. We tried it at the recommendation of Marsha and Tim, and it's a nice place. Also got discounts. If you decide to try it, let me know, and I'll send you the easy way to get there.

Sorry we won't be with you this January; One of the kids and her family are moving to Ohio, so Chris is driving out there with them after Christmas. I'll fly and meet them there, and stay for a while (we have other kids and grandkids in the area).
Hi Tom,

We like the overnight one night stop at the Orange Grove and if we fall behind the time schedule we overnight at Cummings. We always like and take the Tehachapi rather then the Grape Vine. It's an easy way in and out of the Hwy. As a benefit there still may be some oranges on the trees . It's also convenient to fill up our 55 gallon LPG tank. I have never had a traffic delay on the Tehapachi.
Wish you and Chris a good trip to Ohio and it's nice to spend Christmas and NewYear with the family.

chris & Mimi

We had hoped to be there, especially since we heard you and Mimi might attend, but shoulder surgery in Yuma will keep us from attending. We really miss seeing you since our trip to Northern CA and our visit when you were near Tom & Chris. Really happy to see you are on the road again!!! :) :) I hope we can meet somewhere down the road.
HI Jim and Pat.

It's been a long time seen we have seen you and one of the highlights of this trip for us would be seeing you again. Our first encounter was at the FMCA rally in New Mexico you and Fred were staying close to Ed Judges house. Than we had our first QZ rallies in 1997 at the ranger station and Fred climbing in the telephone pole trying to make connections with the outside world :) we then met at Moab doing the Chicken trip and had the most hilarious happy our entertainment performance and a great job don by you on your Doodle Doodle thing and the creative job from chris and Betty to have you properly dressed.

Well anyway we are not going to miss you and have plan B . If you can't make it to Indio or QZ, we will take some time off from AB or QZ and visit you in Yuma.

chris & Mimi

You certainly have a much better memory than I do. ;D It would really be great to see you both again. Hope you can visit if we don't see you at QZ. I have an appointment to see the doctor in two hours. Will know more after that.
Wendy - We left our bikes home this year so decided to skip Indio too.  How's Mike doing, better we hope.  Can't imagine seeing him without that big Coke mug in his hand.  ;D

Chris - I'm not touching the fire extinguisher this year!  In fact, I think I'll duct tape it to the wall just to be safe!  :-[

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