FMCA Oregon Rally

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Larry N.

Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Westminster, Colorado
Anyone else going to the FMCA Northwest Area Rally at Albany, OR on Aug 7-11? We just signed up, and would love to see whatever framily might make it there.

I think we are going next year, as Wendy has drafted us... Will that be too late?  8)

p.s. we are headed to Montrose in a couple of weeks - maybe we can catch up and fly something!  ;D

p.p.s - know why they don't send mules to school? nobody likes a smart ass.  :'(
At this point, Kim, we don't know what we'll be doing or where we'll be next year. I'd love to do some flying with you, but Montrose is quite a ways off, and I don't anticipate being near there any time soon.

p.p.s.  So Francis didn't get to school?  ??? :eek: ::)  8)
The national FMCA Rally will be in Redmond next year, August 13-16, 2014. It's never too early to make plans.

We're headed to Oregon now but will be back in Colorado by the end of this month.

Cruising down I-90
Wendy said:
The national FMCA Rally will be in Redmond next year, August 13-16, 2014. It's never too early to make plans.


By Redmond, do you mean Redmond, Washington?  I am off that week and may consider putting that on the agenda!  ;D

Be there or be square, Steve! We just put it on our schedule.  8)

We'll have three months from Zion/Bryce/Moab to get there!

Sorry, Larry, looks like we got all excited and hijacked your thread...Wendy, should you start another?  :eek:
I just had to jump on mapquest to find Redmond, OR.  I had never heard of it before.  It's a straight shot from my house 800 miles north on I-5.  I am off August 2 thru the 17th.  Getting there is no problem, lots of time.  But getting home would be a long trip in a short time.  I would have to be at work (ugh) Monday the 18th at 9am, but I think it's worth the effort. I just recently joined FMCA and got all my paperwork and number from them.  I would love to make it work and it would be great to spend some more time with KIm & Christi.  You guys were sooooo nice to us in Moab (our first rally ever), we's love to do more of that!  Wouldn't want to be square either  8)

Well, there you go! We have not been able to coordinate an FMCA major rally in three years, so we're excited to finally get to and we love the Bend - Redmond area, sooooo.....

We're just sorry to miss Larry and Mary Ann this year who we met three years ago at our FIRST Forum rally....missed you guys at Moab this year, too!
A lot of people leave rallies a day early so you could do that if you needed to.

Just one teensy little problem ... Redmond isn't on I-5, it's in central Oregon on US 97. But regardless, you should be there !

Missoula MT
skyking4ar2 said:
Well, there you go! We have not been able to coordinate an FMCA major rally in three years, so we're excited to finally get to and we love the Bend - Redmond area, sooooo.....

We're just sorry to miss Larry and Mary Ann this year who we met three years ago at our FIRST Forum rally....missed you guys at Moab this year, too!

We, too, are sorry we once again missed getting together, Kim. Current plans are to go to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho after leaving Albany, then to Glacier Nat'l Park, with a possible side trip to Banff -- all this is subject to change, but that's our current thinking. Perhaps we can come across you folks somewhere again soon.
Note: This post is about next year's FMCA rally in Redmond Oregon!
We have never signed up for an FMCA rally before.  I don't see a link from the 2014 future rally area on the FMCA website to sign up.  Is it too early?  Does the sign-up with FMCA include a spot in the campground, or do we have to do that separately? There are not a lot of spots in the campground, so it looks like if you want to stay there, you would have to reserve a spot as soon as possible. You can count us in!
Looks like they haven't opened up the registration link yet.

You will be staying at the fairgrounds, either dry camp or you can upgrade to a spot with electricity. The spots in the campground will probably go to FMCA officers, volunteers and maybe vendors and or handicap (note: all the officers also volunteer a lot of time to the rally and the organization in general, they deserve a little "perk") This is how it has been at other locations, I never attended a rally in Redman. Electricity is usually 30 provided by large generators - OK as long as your the the rig nearest the generator!

Go to the rally and enjoy.

Ken & Sheila said:
Looks like they haven't opened up the registration link yet.

They typically don't open registration till a few, 4?, months before the rally.

I'm thinking about it as my Great grand daughter will be 3 a week or so later in Portland.
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