FMCA Pomona rally over

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Jan 13, 2005
This was our first FMCA rally in over 20 years of motorhoming. Quite a show! I heard there were over 3,500 attendee coaches and 1,100 show coaches. Two large buildings of vendor booths and some outside displays. There were numerous seminars on all kinds of topics.

I really wasn't sure what to expect, but the coach parking turned out to be well laid out with sufficient room for toads; Folks were able to come and go at will, either by toad or by coach.

It was nice to see some Framily members (Bob Z, apologies weren't able to meet up). We also had several friends who either attended the rally or joined us by car.

In retrospect, Chris Pennings' advice on the caravan from the Monaco pre rally in Lancaster was right on. i.e. do it once for the experience. Next time, we probably won't caravan with 168 other coaches.

So many companies had service teams on site and several Framily members have reported on their fixes, upgrades and additions. I think Russ took the prize though.

As Jeff mentioned, the evening entertainment was a bonus. I missed Debbie Reynolds the night before last, but I hope I can still sing when I'm Bobby Vinton's age.

We hit the road this morning, head to Yuma and Algadones before returning home.

FMCA does a really good job with their conventions.  The parking crew has that aspect down to a science.  The largest convention we attended had ~7,000 coaches in total.  That was a bit too big, perhaps :)

From your numbers, it sounds like the Pomona event was smaller than usual.
Ned said:
From your numbers, it sounds like the Pomona event was smaller than usual.

While we were standing in the coach display one day, Bernie commented about how few people were walking the aisles. I had nothing to compare it with, but 7,000 sounds like a huge number of coaches.
The actual attendance was even worse. IIRC, the reported number of Family coaches registered was 2,883, smallest national convention of the 13 we have attended. Parking was spacious and easy and the aisles were empty because of the attendance. However, that made it easier to get service and attention from the manufacturers ;D ;D  Overall, it was a good convention, very pleased.
I believe the 7,000 was at Las Cruces, NM. ?One of the worst years for the convention too. ?Second only to Hutchinson a couple of years ago. ?I'll bet 3,500 coaches didn't even fill the parking lots. ?I recall years where the overflow was several miles to the north.

We prefer the smaller crowds.  No waiting for a shuttle with room, no problem with seminar seating, less crowds at the displays.
Hi Ron,

We're hoping to be in Yuma later today. Won't know how long we'll be there until Chris has seen someone on Monday. I'll buzz you.
Tom said:
We're hoping to be in Yuma later today. Won't know how long we'll be there until Chris has seen someone on Monday. I'll buzz you.


We expect you to come to the HT party with Ron and Sam.

Phil said:
We expect you to come to the HT party

Phil, does HT stand for "high tea"? With such a great group of folks there, how could we not show up?
Tom said:
Hi Ron,

We're hoping to be in Yuma later today. Won't know how long we'll be there until Chris has seen someone on Monday. I'll buzz you.

Great you guys can ride to Yuma with us to the Potluck at Russ's. tomorrow.  Give us a call.

Sounds like there'll be 8 of us including you and Sam. Good idea to coordinate rides.
Tom said:
Phil, does HT stand for "high tea"? With such a great group of folks there, how could we not show up?


It means High Toys.  Russ will be showing off his new "stuff" at the party.  ;D

But he can't show off his new Nomad and D3 controllers under the roof :)  We can admire his new batteries however.

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