Fold-up Bicycles?

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2013
Have been looking at these at CW and even posted a 'Wanted' ad in the forum listings. Either people really like them, hate them and left them at a truck stop, or too lazy to reply but I got ZERO replies.
So my question: have you had experience with them? Would you buy the 12 speed for most CGs or the Plain Jane one speed?
Not much money involved, just don't want to justify carrying something else if it turns out to be a PITA.  Thanks.
Bought the 6 speed last year, andusedit this winter. No problems.  I use one speed but the ground is pretty level.  When you fold it up, putting the bag, it is still bulky.  We plan to buy another one before the GNR.

I have seen the price at $149.00 at CW

Thanks, Tin, come to think of it, I've never seen one actually folded up.
We have two that we bought at CW for $149 each.  We use them a lot and the DW prefers hers over her regular bike when we are at home.  They fold up well (the measurements are on the CW site) and we carry them in a large tool box in the bed of our truck.  Or they would fit in a motor home storage compartment.  Very satisfied with them.  We use the rear rack and put a trunk on it to carry our junk.
We have a pair of seven speed folding bikes we got when I had a small trailer -- I probably ought to get rid of them now, as we haven't used them for a while (DW quit riding, and I have room for a regular bike now). They're handy, but the small wheels and different seating position keep them from being a full replacement for a regular bike -- they ARE great for travel, though.
I looked at these, but ended up putting a bike rack for our Toad and take our regular bikes along that way.  Useful for getting the bikes to a bike trail not close to home/campsite.  Not quite On Topic, but FWIW, another approach.

I forgot to mention that our bikes are 6 speed.  We tow a fifth-wheel trailer so don't have a toad and like having the bikes in a tool box, in the back of the truck.  We drive to the trailhead and then get them out, use them and return them to the box until the next ride.  Of course, we prefer campgrounds that are on a trail so we can ride from the camp site.  We have found several and they are much preferable, especially if we are staying for any length of time.
Sounds like a good endorsement overall.  Certainly worth it even if it isn't as good as a real bike. Am always looking for more to do in the CG's.

Thanks, all.
Well, bought a 12 speed today, instead of the six speed, because it had slightly larger tires and the saleslady at CW was GOOD. Rode it around the yard with no problem, last time riding one was 25+ years and a hip replacement since.  I had a little problem with the 'breakdown' procedure and there are no instructions with it, but with another trip to CW I got it figured out. Looks like a really good bike, and one I can use at home. So all's good so far.

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