Food at Canada border crossing

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Tim & Jan

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Does anyone know if there are any foods that are restricted from being brought into the Maritimes?

Tim & Jan
Steve would have the most recent input, but I don't recall any restrictions when we crossed last year. Coming back into the U.S. is a different story. Raw eggs and beef are definitely not permitted.
AS far as I know there aren't any restrictions going in to Canada.  Only coming out.  We had to give up a couple of pounds of ground beef the last time we came out of Canada.
Tim & Jan said:
Does anyone know if there are any foods that are restricted from being brought into the Maritimes?

Tim & Jan

"Fresh" produce, fruits and vegetables, are generally watched very carefully to prevent the spread of things like parasites that may inhabit such products.

Firewood may be barred at some crossings as well, Example, canada does not want S.E. Michigan wood, and for good reason (Same as above)

For more information contact the American Automobile Club, they are the #1 resource in border crossing information

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