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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2005
" One thing I forgot to mention is anyone who eats our bratwurst automatically becomes a Packer fan Smiley"

Uh, what sport do they play?
rhmahoney said:
" One thing I forgot to mention is anyone who eats our bratwurst automatically becomes a Packer fan Smiley"

Uh, what sport do they play?

Sport??? I never heard of Packers in sports.  ;D ;D ;D
I'm not sure what they're playing this year, but it doesn't look much like football :(
Hey, GB is up 7-3 over Chicago right now.

Just wait until Dec 19 Monday night football and we will see how good they are!  ;D

Oh poo, my Ravens just fell behind with less than a minute to go.
Yeah and it ain't good for the Packers.

The Ravens have 20 seconds left to get ten more yards for a field goal win attempt.
Smoky said:
Yeah and it ain't good for the Packers.

The Ravens have 20 seconds left to get ten more yards for a field goal win attempt.

And Da' Bears beat them both :D :D

Ravens win again!!  ....  10 seconds left and Matt Stover gets the 38 yard field goal.

Bad first half season, but comiin' on strong second half.  Can't make the playoffs, but we sure will beat the Packers on Monday Night Football!

Aye, Bernie, the Bears are a MUCH improved team this year.  Good team.

It ain't easy being Green (and Gold)  :-\  At least we'll have a good position in the draft next year.
Well, the Colts won again today, that is the good new. Bad news is that the Bengals beat the Steelers.
""2005 is a good year to be an Indy fan""

LOL Karl!  Well us Ravenites are intensely loyal too.  After losing the colts to Indianapolis, we sure do not want to go through the agony of losing another team.

I wonder who is going to get a shot at drafting Reggie Bush?  I usually don't put a lot of emphasis on the top draft pick because so many of them never panned out.  But that guy Reggie Bush sure looks like the best college player I have ever seen.
And what about us poor Bronocs fans? Not a pretty game yesterday...but an entertaining one!

I hope there are no Eagle fans in the family.  Just sitting here watching Monday night football and it is not pretty for Philadelphians.  42 to 0 and the 3rd quater is not even half over.  That nasty ole TO may have the last word after all.  ;D
Just sitting here watching Monday night football and it is not pretty for Philadelphians.

No, Smoky, it's not pretty, but I like it, being a Seahawk fan.  I'm doing a little e-mail, etc., (wireless networked house) and keeping a quarter of an eye on the game.


""I was astounded that the Broncos lost.""

Me too, I was almost sure that we would end up playing them in the AFC Final game.

Hey, let's not kiss the Broncos off yet. They'll still be in the playoffs. Of course, they are the Broncos and still have time to throw the entire season.......

I read an article that said we, the Colts, over the years have been to Denver what New England was to us. They just can't figure a way to beat us.


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