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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
Hi everyone just thought I would throw in a new topic, "FOOTBALL"!

Now that football season has started we are really having such a great time tail-gating sometimes I have to admit I get a little worn out. We have split up our two college teams for the season (UF University of Florida GO GATORS and UCF University of Central Florida GO KNIGHTS) and our NFL team the Bucs (Tampa).
In our lot for the Gators we have made some really good freinds we were very lucky to get RV parking there. They have a shuttle to bring us to the stadium which is maybe 1 mile from the lot, do you think we used the shuttle the first game? Noooooo my husband said lets walk it and I reluctantly went along with him, it was awful it must have been 100 degrees the first game walking uphill on the blacktop and we had been tailgating all day we were ringing wet when we got into the stadium. Maybe if the weather was a little cooler out, but no we continue to walk it but the second home game was not nearly as hot we had a cold front move in so temps dropped to upper 80's.
For UCF we are right across the street from the stadium not a lot of MH's there yet but again what another great time.

Same goes for the Bucs, to bad they are playing horrible this season so far 0 -2 maybe tomorrow they will win of course both teams tomorrow are 0 - 2 so should be a good game to see who can get there first win.

I am learning how to pack quickly and lightly for these football games just wish the cleaning of the coach could be done by some kind of magic, these quick weekends wear on you a little but I love football and I love my MH so it is all worth it. I always clean the MH from top to bottom after every single trip and fill up all fluids so we are ready to roll for the next trip.

For decorating your MH for football games use the cling on stickers you can use them over and over again and they come in a varitey of sizes and we found one part of the coach on each side that is magnetic for our magnet signs. Using the cling ons and the magnets make for very easy quick change for your teams plus it is not there for ever on our MH.

Thats about it. Oh and we did get the NFL Sunday for the Direct TV 4 months free so that is about all we need for the season. LOL

Happy Trails
If you still are still using the RV lot at the University of Florida for gameday, can you report whether there is electrical service, and any other hookups for that matter?  Go Gators!
Colleen hasn't been here since June, 2011, so don't expect any reply from her.  Perhaps someone else knows the answer.

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