Forest River's Wildcat 5th Wheel

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New member
Aug 14, 2005
We are looking to purchase a Forest River 5th Wheel Wildcat RV (27BHWB) and wondering if anyone has one and if so, any problems? 
Welcome to the RV Forum!  Should be some feedback to your query on the Forest River in the next couple of days from folks who have experience with them.  In the meantime feel free to jump into any other ongoing discussion.

Is this your first or are you upgrading?

Enjoy the RV Forum!
Our daughter has had a Forest River travel trailer for several years and has had no problems with it. We sleep in it when we visit and I've been impressed with the quality of the cabinetry.
Just looked at a Cedar Creek by Forest River yesterday. It sure was impressive (quaility). 
I took a 28ft wildcat travel trailer on a 12,000 mile trip from Oklahoma, Canada, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and back with three other couples with other type RV's and I was the only one that did not have problems.  The Wildcat is a super product.  I made a factory tour and was impressed.  If you find a 5'th wheel floorplan you like you will be a happy camper.  Norm
  My first trailer was a Wildcat 27RL.  We traded it just to get something larger and we were sad to let it go.  It was trouble free and good quality for the price.  We also had a Cardinal (another Foret River product) and didn't have any problems with it.
I would take a good look at the cedar creek line i have a 28RLTS and we just love it the quality is out standing plus it pulls like champ

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