Formaldehyde Smell

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Aug 28, 2006
Besides airing out our new TT, what is the best way to get rid of the formaldehyde smell. My wife has very sensitive eyes and an extremely sensitive nose.
The formaldehyde gas coming from the wood and carpet will "outgas" at a declining rate over time. Best bet is to air out using a fan in one window to force air out and open windows at the other end to let air in. For while you are using it there are air purifiers that claim to remove formadehyde gas. The Allergy Jr. by Austin Air is the least expense at $300.00 ( It also remove dust and pollen).

Here's some advice from forum member Richard Sharp, a retired chemist.
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Thanks. I didn't think about airing out the drawers and cabinets. We have been using the Super fan to pull air through the TT. We will also try a box fan at the other end to help out.
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