Francis Scott Key bridge, Baltimore, MD

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
As a former US Coastguardsman (MSO LA/LB formerly CoTP) '77-'83 I am finding these conversations very interesting. Some seem to be spot on, and some well... not so much. Some of my time was spent doing anchorage boardings, some hazmat, and some SAR. All 11th District. I would consider offering an opinion but I was in so long ago that many of the policies and procedures have probably changed that I fear I would simply muddy up the waters, so to speak. Carry On.
What I know about boating can be put in a thimble. I do know the difference between a boat and a ship; if you can afford it it’s called a boat, if you cannot afford it it’s called a ship.
I was in the Air Force for 24 years and know nothing about airplanes. People assume all Navy folks are well versed in ships and shipping and all,Air Force folks know everything about planes and flying.
When it comes to what language is most spoken... A lot of folks speak English as a second language.

But (page 2) when I suggested that English or Greek may be the official INTERNATIONAL language of the seas shall we say. Like English is the international language of the air.

I"m only talking about those words and phrases needed to pilot a ship.. It is arguable if this includes "Which Way To the Loo" (Or in a ship "Which way to the head") but it does include "Port 5 degrees" type phrases
When it comes to what language is most spoken... A lot of folks speak English as a second language.

But (page 2) when I suggested that English or Greek may be the official INTERNATIONAL language of the seas shall we say. Like English is the international language of the air.

I"m only talking about those words and phrases needed to pilot a ship.. It is arguable if this includes "Which Way To the Loo" (Or in a ship "Which way to the head") but it does include "Port 5 degrees" type phrases
It's termed "seaspeak", it's based on english and consists mostly of simplified terminology like for example "say again" instead of "would you repeat that" or any other multiple syllable phrase to convey the same meaning. It's a CNL (controlled national language).

Another Channel open to shipping.
Still a ways to go for "Normal traffic"
We probably won't see normal traffic until the section where the Dali is holding up bridge wreckage can be cleared. I think that's the primary shipping channel.
We probably won't see normal traffic until the section where the Dali is holding up bridge wreckage can be cleared. I think that's the primary shipping channel.
True. The support the Dali hit was the southern Principle support for the span over the main channel.

There will not be "Normal Traffic" for a very long time.
True. The support the Dali hit was the southern Principle support for the span over the main channel.

There will not be "Normal Traffic" for a very long time.
At the rate they're removing containers from the ship, it may not be very long now until they can start clearing wreckage.
At the rate they're removing containers from the ship, it may not be very long now until they can start clearing wreckage.
In post #88, I stuck my neck out and said I guessed it would be about 2 months and the main channel will be opened. That was on March 30th. People thought I was crazy. 2 months will bring it to the end of May. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I hope I’m right!!!!
True. The support the Dali hit was the southern Principle support for the span over the main channel.

There will not be "Normal Traffic" for a very long time.
These are all shallow draft channels. The ship channel itself is the primary issue.
These are all shallow draft channels. The ship channel itself is the primary issue.
Well, yeah. Getting a channel open that allows some of the smaller vessels to get through is going to help clear traffic and get some products on the move, and provide work for the dock workers and reliever some of the traffic jam.
Every step forward helps.
It's termed "seaspeak", it's based on english and consists mostly of simplified terminology like for example "say again" instead of "would you repeat that" or any other multiple syllable phrase to convey the same meaning. It's a CNL (controlled national language).

Thanks. Not being a seaman (or airman though in that area I have some very limited knowledge) I assumed somethig like that was the case.. Thanks for the confirmation and proper title.

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