Fred & Daisy Thomas

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2005
Goodyear, AZ
Our local RV club is on a trip covering Bisbee and Tombstone, AZ. When we arrived at the Tombstone Territories RV Park (highly recommended), we gave Fred and Daisy Thomas a call since they only live about 15-20 miles away. Had dinner with them last nite and talked and reminisced well into the nite. And Daisy cooked up a great dinner ;)
You mean Fred didn't make his lasagna? :)  They are wonderful hosts.
O.k., O.k., flattery will get you guys everywhere.  We had a wonderful time visiting with Bernie and Marlene and meeting Karen and Bob.  Great people, all.....  Do come again, and maybe we'll make Lasagna the next time.  We'll have to tell you about that some day.  Ned and Karl will never let us forget it.  <G>


As many of us know spending time with Fred & Daisy is the best and the meal really doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it's great!!!!
Jim Dick said:
As many of us know spending time with Fred & Daisy is the best and the meal really doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it's great!!!!

Well Jim, you know we didn't drive 35 miles round trip just to get a free dinner ;D ;D ;D  As soon as we saw that our plans were to be in the Sierra Vista area, we knew that we had to stop and visit.
BernieD said:
Well Jim, you know we didn't drive 35 miles round trip just to get a free dinner ;D ;D ;D  As soon as we saw that our plans were to be in the Sierra Vista area, we knew that we had to stop and visit.


Of course I knew that. :) We used to drive 2 hours to Providence from CT so we could have lunch with Ken & Sheila when they were just south of Boston. We've also been known to stop and have lunch with framily heading in opposite directions on I10!!! ;D

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