Fresh water tank leak

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
Louisville, KY
We just got back from a 4500 mile trip to Yellowstone.  About halfway through the trip I noticed water dripping from the rear of the MH when I stopped for fuel.  Thinking it might be condensation from the AC I checked and found the fresh water tank leaking.  The MH is a 1995 Holiday Rambler Endeavor and the fresh tank is under the floor in the very rear.  You can see the tank through the rear basements.  I cannot tell where it is leaking, but it is NOT leaking from the connections or sensors.  It must be cracked somewhere which will necessitate removal.  Problem is, I can't see how you could remove this.  The tank sits about 1 inch HIGHER than the top of the basement doors even with the doors removed.

Any experience here?  Can the tank be repaired or must it be replaced?  Should I abandon it's current location and just put a new tank under the bed?
There are plumbing epoxy sealers that will work on wet surfaces, if you can get at the leak. Any hardware or plumbing store should carry them.

As you surmise, they build the body around the tanks, so getting them out is sometimes nigh unto impossible without major body work.
I've studied, researched and stewed on this for a long time.  I have no way of getting the existing fresh water tank out of the RV short of taking a Sawzall and cutting the heck out of the basement of the motorhome.  I don't want to do that.

What do you think about just abandoning the existing under the floor water tank, and installing a new fresh water tank under the bed?  There's plenty of room under there (even though I'll lose some storage for bedding, etc) and I know a lot of RVs have their tanks under the bed anyway.  I think I can still use my existing fill port on the side of the RV with some creative rerouting.  Of course it'll have to be completely replumbed and the tank sensors moved.  A new 100 gallon tank runs anywhere from $300-500 bucks and I can order one in any sort of configuration.

What say you? 8)
Nothing wrong with decommissioning the existing tank and adding a new one.  Only downside is the lost storage space.

You should plan for a drain for the new tank when you consider a location.  Worse case you can always drain it using the pump.
On my 96 Damon Ultrasport.. I finally figured out the way to get the water tank out was to remove the screws along the bottom of the coach.. that strip of metal is hinged and folds down.. behind it you can access screws to remove the facing from the bottom bin area..  Once that is off, the water tank just comes right out..  Don't know how yours is built.. but, maybe it's similar? It's time consuming, but it can be done (at least on my old coach it can)..

If you did decide to put the water tank under the bed.. I think I'd find a way to cut that old tank out (maybe cut it up and remove it piece by piece) and use that area for storage of some sort..

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