Fresh water tank

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Jul 14, 2010
Started to fill up my fresh water tank and noticed water dripping from under bottom of trailer.  I went inside to check the tank under bunk bed and saw a water leak.  It is coming from a hose about 5 in. long that has a plastic knob on it about the diameter of a silver dollar.  It looks like a strainer in the center of this knob looking thing and this is where it it leaking.  It is beside the drain hose for the water tank.  Anyone know what this is and why it would be leaking?
A photo would be pretty helpful if you can snap one.  ;)  Is that hose perhaps a pathway for the fresh water intake fill that enters the tank?  It may have a strainer to keep solids from entering the tank and later clogging the water pump.  Are the ends of the hose threaded/removable?
The hose is only about 5 in. long like its stubbed off with the knob on it and is attached with two clamps you tighten with a screwdriver. 
Are you saying this hose doesn't go anywhere? It's just a stub (dead end)?  And themain outlet is elsewhere?

If tightening the clamps didn't stop the leak, I'd probably just cut it off and fit a new cap of some kind on the end. Finding something that will work on that particular size tubing may be a challenge, though.
Puzzling.  I'll be anxious to hear the resolution.  Any chance this is a pickup for winterizing?  I know that it should be longer than 5", but it could be the hose (or what's left of it) that goes into the jug of antifreeze.  The knob in the middle would be the way to divert the pumps action to drawing from the jug.  A little farfetched but all that comes to me.  I do know that if the diverting valve is not positioned exactly right that the pickup hoses can weep a little. 
Sorry I didnt get back sooner.  It appears I didnt know what I was looking at.  Apparently the previous owner of this RV disconnected the water pump from the fresh water tank and it just works with park water.  The "knob" is apparently the filter that was used for the pump.  So now I have to get parts to reattach the water pump to the fresh water tank.  Doesnt look too difficult (hope not).
Hope the pump works. I can't think of any reason to disconnect it, though, even if the pump failed. If the pump is turned off, doesn't leak or cause any harm.  But people often do strange things...

Let us know how it goes.
Went to Camping World and picked up a filter and flex pipe to hook the water pump back up.  Works like a new one, cant figure out why anyone would disconnect it.  Maybe they had it set up in a park full time.
Could have been a FEMA Trailor  ,, they are showing up everywhere ,,  bare minimum and stripped to needed neccessitys !  watch out guys !  Rod

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