Front End Alignment

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Mar 21, 2019
I noticed unusual wear pattern on the right front tire on my 2015 Newmar Baystar with 30,000 miles. Tire shows slight cupping pattern. I took the coach to a Freight-liner service center and they told me the king pins were worn. Because of that they couldn't do an alignment until the problem was fixed. The service manager quoted me $3,605.00 to fix the problem. I was astounded. I did a little research online and found that the Moog 8639B Steering King Pin Set would cost me  $133.66. My questions are two fold. First, is king pen wear usual at only 30,000? Second, does anyone have experience on cost for this service? Thanks for any replies.
Welcome to the RV Forum BCTex

Can't help you...Just want to say hello and check back we do have people a lot smarter than me.
Kingpin wear seems unlikely at 30k miles and 3-4 years of age, unless there is some other problem as well.  I'd get a second opinion from another shop and another price quote too. Most any heavy truck shop can do front end work.

Since your Baystar has a Ford F53 chassis, a Ford truck dealer might be a good choice. Try to find one that handles Ford medium & heavy trucks, not just cars and pick-ups.
BCTex said:
I noticed unusual wear pattern on the right front tire on my 2015 Newmar Baystar with 30,000 miles. Tire shows slight cupping pattern. I took the coach to a Freight-liner service center and they told me the king pins were worn. Because of that they couldn't do an alignment until the problem was fixed. The service manager quoted me $3,605.00 to fix the problem. I was astounded. I did a little research online and found that the Moog 8639B Steering King Pin Set would cost me  $133.66. My questions are two fold. First, is king pen wear usual at only 30,000? Second, does anyone have experience on cost for this service? Thanks for any replies.

Welcome to the forum. Like Gary said take it to a Ford dealer. I will bet it has never had a wheel alignment unless you had one done. I would go for an "all wheel" alignment to make shure everything is right. Have it loaded with full fresh water, gas, propane, like you were leaving on a trip.
Let us know what you find out.
I owned my trucking business ( over the road class 8) for 50 years. Never had steering axle king pin replaced. One of my trucks went 2.1 million miles and many a million though average truck life was around 800,000 fleet.
  I attribute long king pin life to removing weight from front end before greasing. Jack up until tires are off ground.( good time to check wheel bearings). This use to be a common practice. I won?t go to bushing/ metal advancement and changing service procedures.
  My truck shop grease / service pit had a greased ramp made out of railroad track that slid under the front axle and popped the front end off the ground when you drove onto pit. Both of the f53?s I?ve owned and many friends motorhomes were serviced over this pit with the front axle on ramp and wheels in the air.
  I?ve seen other people?s heavy truck king pins replaced in under 100,000 mi. due improper lubrication.
  I think if pins are reamed a little lose at factory, or lubed really good at factory, you can get away greasing with weight on front axle for a while.
  Just one old man?s thoughts.
Like others say, take it to another shop for their opinion.  If it was me, I would go to Truck shop or Ford shop, and ask them to do a front end alignment, and give you a quote on replacement tires. Don't tell them what place #1 said.  Let us know what comes of it, Good luck  :))
For sure, take it to another truck shop for assement and a quote.  There are plenty of truck shops with F53 chassis experience.  Thar quote sounds pretty high, maybe they don't want the job.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
Kingpin wear seems unlikely at 30k miles and 3-4 years of age, unless there is some other problem as well.  I'd get a second opinion from another shop and another price quote too.

Thanks Gary, that's exactly what I did. Took it to another frame and alignment shop. There is nothing wrong with the king pins. Just needs the alignment. Have the appointment set for next week. It is pretty obvious the service manager of the first place thought he had a live one. I've written a long letter detailing the attempted scam to the owner of the company. Thanks again for your comment.
SpencerPJ said:
Like others say, take it to another shop for their opinion.

That's exactly what I did. Took it to another frame and alignment shop. There is nothing wrong with the king pins. Just needs the alignment. Have the appointment set for next week. It is pretty obvious the service manager of the first place thought he had a live one. I've written a long letter detailing the attempted scam to the owner of the company. Thanks again for your comment.
Great  :) 
Glad you didn't fall victim to the scam.. I see it so often, especially with the elders.  I'm glad for a forum like this to help each other out, sometimes we just need a reminder, another opinion, or nudge. 
If your tires are cupped, you still might need to replace them  :eek:.
Good luck!
Thanks to everyone who provided comments on my alignment problem. All will be well soon. The dealer who checked the king pins and showed me, not just told me, that nothing was wrong asked that I flip the  tire showing the wear pattern to the inside. I've had this done and while at the tire shop had them dynamically balance the fronts. Not replacing the tire as yet since the wear pattern "cupping" is just barely noticeable. Thanks again to everyone for your responses. Just learning how to operate this forum.
I'm usually pretty good natured, but we're it me, I would post the name of the shop to help others not get taken.
^^^^This, the service guy is full of it and tried to pick you clean. If parts and a alignment are a couple hundred bucks, and a shop rate of lets just say 150.00 hr. That's equates to days to get the work done using the math. Move on happily you didn't bite,,,gregg
kdbgoat said:
I'm usually pretty good natured, but we're it me, I would post the name of the shop to help others not get taken.
I wanted to give them a chance to reply since my post on their website was responded with:
"We?re disappointed to see that we provided you with anything other than a 5-star experience, and would love the chance to make it right. Will you please send your contact info to [email protected] so that we can have a member of management look into this for you?"
So I sent them my contact info and still no contact. Guess they know when they are trying to con someone. The provider is Lonestar Truck Group in Temple, TX. They are an "authorized" Freightliner servicer. Let the buyer beware. :mad: :(

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