Full Timing & Mobile in a COVID World

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Just curious to hear some 1st hand Feed back from Forum, Full Timers in this COVID world we now live in.

We are not anywhere close to being Full Timers, but am wondering how it has affected or even if it has possibly changed your views on the Full Time, mobile Life Style?

We, like most folks are just hunkering down.
Out in the boonies doing the boondocking thing.
Only trips to civilization are for food, water and gas for genny.
Really have no desire to travel at this time.
We are likewise hunkered down on a site we own in Coastal TX.  Haven't gone anywhere this year and don't intend to.  Similarly, our only trips are to local stores where we can use curbside delivery for our grocery (and other) orders.  Boring, but safe.  At least we have a small casita on our property which serves as my wife's sewing center.
I don't own a place to hunker down, so I am moving around, pretty much traveling as I would have without Covid-19.  Only problems are having to change plans to spend a month in Canada around the Banff and Lake Louise area, getting some campgrounds cancelled, and campground laundries closed.  I feel very safe traveling because I am not staying at hotels, or renting cars, or eating in restaurants. 

However, has been a lot duller traveling, as well, because museums and a lot of attractions are closed.  For example, I am going to be in Moab in a couple of weeks and had planned on taking a raft trip or jeep tour, but even if they are open and operating, I won't feel comfortable riding in something with strangers, even if it is outdoors.  And, I have really hated driving past some museums I had hoped to visit.

It has not changed my view on or enjoyment of full-timing, but it has certainly made it harder to get a haircut or do laundry in a safe place! 
We're not full time but usually take extended, 3 and 4 month trips, when we travel.  What concerns me more than the virus are the number of new RVers and how they are impacting things.  We live in the big city so getting away and enjoying the boon docks has significant appeal.  As soon as things free up, we'll be on the road exercising the same caution as we do while at the house.  My age puts me in the high risk category.  However, since I don't get the flu, I feel my actual risk is considerably lower.  That said, this is one nasty virus and I really don't want to test the water.  So precautions will be first and foremost in mind. 
Like JudyJB, we have no property. (I like to say, ?we?re not homeless, just houseless?.) Initially, we stayed an extra month in Florida, but then started back to our old routine where we explore where we are evenings and weekends, move every two to five weeks, and do it again. What?s changed is the ?exploring? part is much more limited. But our office views are ever changing and beautiful and our weather usually near perfect. And social distancing is pretty easy in the parks.
One major change: We?ve always returned to our origin home turf for the holidays; via toad or airline.  This year, there?ll be no large family gatherings for Thanksgiving or Christmas. So this year, we?re planning on driving Rosie back to Ohio late October and staying until Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We?ll celebrate ?Thanksmas? with family and friends in small, socially-distanced groups and have FaceTime or Zoom calls on ?day of?. We?re planning on using the four-day weekend to make our way back to the southwest where our original plans would have had us flying from and back to.
JudyJB said:
However, has been a lot duller traveling, as well, because museums and a lot of attractions are closed.  For example, I am going to be in Moab in a couple of weeks and had planned on taking a raft trip or jeep tour, but even if they are open and operating, I won't feel comfortable riding in something with strangers, even if it is outdoors.

Judy - I have found the same thing traveling around = closed park visitor centers and closed museums.  And like you say, it has been a bummer to have to pass them up.  With regard to a raft trip, I considered one on the Animas River out of Durango, CO, and looking into it, they stated they were only filling the rafts to 1/2 capacity so that people could distance.  I didn't take the trip cause I ran out of time.  But, you might call an outfitter where you plan a river trip and see what they are doing.  Don't know about Jeep tours, but maybe the same is true, i.e. limiting the number of people, requiring masks.  BTW, the outfitters in Moab are up and operating.  I was there for 2 weeks at the end of June to mid July. 

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