Furnace Question

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
This may sound dumb but what is the reason for a furnace if you have great heat from the roof top AC units?

I live in FL and last week it got cold in the upper 30's we used our roof top ac to heat and boy was it ever to hot we even had to open a window to cool it down inside the MH.

Heat pumps will work down into the high 30s but below that, they aren't functional.  A furnace will work in any temperature and also gives a better distribution of the heated air as well as warming the floor and usually the storage bays.  If you have the Dometic controls, the thermostat will automatically switch from the heat pump to the furnace when the outside air temperature drops too low for the heat pump.
Ned said:
  If you have the Dometic controls, the thermostat will automatically switch from the heat pump to the furnace when the outside air temperature drops too low for the heat pump.

Well I'll be darned, didn't know that. Time to check my user manual to see if mine has that feature.
The automatic fallback only works for zone 1.  I've never run my zone 2 heat pump in really cold weather so don't know what happens there, probably just continued freeze up and defrost.  If you don't know already, the heat pumps have an automatic defrost cycle when they freeze up but it's not cold enough to switch to the furnace.  It sounds just like a compressor stall, but the thermostat will display Defrost (or some word to that effect).  The Dometic controller is pretty smart :)
Tom said:
Well I'll be darned, didn't know that. Time to check my user manual to see if mine has that feature.


Winterizing Rule #2: Never be anywhere cold enough to need to switch over to furnace.

When I do orientation for new RV owners I tell them there is only one way to winterize.......DRIVE IT SOUTH!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Jim Dick said:

When I do orientation for new RV owners I tell them there is only one way to winterize.......DRIVE IT SOUTH!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D


Rule # 1. ;)
Jeff Cousins said:
Never be anywhere cold enough to need to switch over to furnace.

Jeff, that will be a tough rule for us to follow this winter. We have a new grandson coming along in Northern Kentucky at the beginning of March. We also plan to spend Christmas at our daughter's place 3500 feet up in the Sierras (they already had snow).
Jeff Cousins said:
Playing with grandkids warms you up.

Jeff, we have 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren, so we know  ;)  The temps dropped significantly here the last week. We currently have our youngest grandson staying with us, which makes Chris very happy; Yesterday she was complaining that it was "too warm in this house"  ;D
Jeff Cousins said:

Winterizing Rule #2: Never be anywhere cold enough to need to switch over to furnace.

Well, I guess I'm following that rule,,, Since my Carrier V's don't have the heat pump option I've no choice but to use the furnace

Oh yes. It was 27 yesterday morning when I awoke at Blue Ok,  Bit warmer this morning at the Flying-J  Pulled in last night bit before Midnight, had dinner, slept till the low battery alarm went off on the xantex,  Fired up the generator to feed the batteries breakfast and headed in to the diner for my own.
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