Garmin City Navigator

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
Garmin just released the new update for City Navigator for $150. If anyone plans to shell out the big bucks, I's like to ask you to do a test for me to see if my home street is on there now. You may recall I need to use the 2610 to help my wife but the present (now old) version doesn't contain our neighborhood.  Thanks
blueblood said:
Garmin just released the new update for City Navigator for $150. If anyone plans to shell out the big bucks, I's like to ask you to do a test for me to see if my home street is on there now. You may recall I need to use the 2610 to help my wife but the present (now old) version doesn't contain our neighborhood.  Thanks

Some of the new streets in Surprise, AZ have been added so I am a very happy camper with the new map.

Phil said:
Some of the new streets in Surprise, AZ have been added so I am a very happy camper with the new map.

i take it that you have all ready bought the upgrade. I'd appreciate your taking a moment to see if Redtail Drive off of Col. T. Heyward is there for Bluffton, SC 29909 or Okatie, Sc 29909

Personally I have never been favorably impressed with any of the City Nav releases up to Ver 6.  In fact IMHO my old version of Metro guide 4.01, which is a routable version, is better than any of the CN versions through Ver 6.  It is too bad Garmin has elected to make the newer versions of Metro Guide non-routable since Metro guide seems to be more accurate.  Think I'll pass on this new version of City Nav.
My nexttrip I'm going to try something different.  I have 3 programs that are compatable with the Garmin GPS (3 Laptop programs) 2 of them actually work on the laptop, One I've tested with the Garmin in motion, the other parked.

The three: Microsoft Streets & Trips (Does not work well on the laptop, needs a more powerful computer)
  Laptop is a 366Mhz P2 with 28x Meg of Ram total

                Rand Mcnally Street Finder (An older version, works great, though it will hang from time to time on GPS, easily reset though)

              Travel Plus (Unknown publisher) For Repeaters.  No good for street level mapping, but great at freeway level and it reads the Garmin GPS.  IT also contains the geo-address, callsign, and frequency for every AM, FM station in the US at time of publication and every Ham Radio Repeater known to the ARRL at the time of publication.  (You can guess from my ID why I need such a product)

I'm going to test in in "Tracking" mode next trip out

Complaints:  Streets & trips.. I'd like a slightly lower resoultion default.  Though I can work with the default, and when using GPS it locks to default more or less

Travel Plus... I need more resolution with the version I have.  But it lets me "Draw" a route, and then it will look up every repeater so I can pre-set the Kenwood  Right down to the CTSS frequency if needed!!!!
Ron said:
IMHO my old version of Metro guide 4.01, which is a routable version, is better than any of the CN versions through Ver 6.


Have you heard anything about an update to Metro Guide?  Version 6 does not have the new roads that I use in Arizona.  My eMap won't use City Nav so I'm stuck with Metro Guide.

BTW, what do you think about the new Garmin 2720 with the traffic update feature?

Phil said:

Have you heard anything about an update to Metro Guide?? Version 6 does not have the new roads that I use in Arizona.? My eMap won't use City Nav so I'm stuck with Metro Guide.

BTW, what do you think about the new Garmin 2720 with the traffic update feature?


There is later versions of Metro Guide but from what I understand they lack the routing capability.? It appears to me that Garmin has made everything non-routable except City Nav in order to try to force everybody to buy their lacking City Nav.

I haven't even looked at the 2720.? If they are using Cit Nav I am not interested.
Ron said:
I haven't even looked at the 2720.  If they are using Cit Nav I am not interested.


Yes, the 2720 uses City Navigator as does my 2610 and SP3.  It also has the option of adding the RDS traffic link data receiver so it will route you around road problems and accidents.  That is the feature that got my attention.  :)

I have updated to City Nav 7 and I'm impressed the the road updates from version 6.


I have used every version of City Nav through ver 6 and have been very disappointed with every version.  I guess for a $150 bucks I expect better or at least as good as my old Metroguide 4.01.  Because of my many disappointments with City Nav I can no longer recommend a Garmin using City Nav with a clear conscience.


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