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Smokey,? You are right on.? I'd sure hate to discover that I had delayed my dream trip, waiting 'till I could afford that new DP, only to further discover that my ill health would not allow it to occur at all.? Time will tell.? ? ?

fastphil, sounds like you have the luxury of time, health and wealth to do as you please.? Best of all things to you...
OnaQuest said:
, only to further discover that my ill health would not allow it to occur at all.? Time will tell.? ? ?

We can relate to that. My father in-law had to retire under disability due to a degenerative back disorder. He recently found a small Ford chassis B-class I think, E350 cutaway with small fiberglass body just big enough to cover the duals, 19ft. Small enough so the mother in-law could help drive to Florida. Only to have her get into a fatal car crash 3 days later. At some point one needs to make a decsion, right/wrong or otherwise. Then try to have as much fun as possible!

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