Gastro problems

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Feb 22, 2016
Steve and I were both struck down by a gastro bug after we flew back to Vegas from Houston. Luckily I got it a few days after him so we weren't fighting over the loo.

I couldn't keep anything down, not even water so I tried coconut water. The one I had bought (originally for Steve) had some pineapple in it so the taste wasn't too bad. I am happy to say it really did the job and helped me stay hydrated.

Thought I'd mention it in case anyone else ever ends up in  that horrible place.

All back to normal now and I'm only another 20 stomach flu's away from my ideal weight - bonus ?
A doctor told me that plain water is very hard on the stomach.  It usually makes me nauseous.  I find even a little juice,tea or fruit flavoring helps a lot.

So glad you are feeling better.  I hate stomach bugs.
Sorry to hear you were both struck with that, but glad you're on the mend.
Glad you are feeling better. Nausea is one of the worst ailments to have. Restaurant workers swear by pure cola syrup and many drug stores sell it as as a nausea remedy. Carbonation is very hard on the stomach but you can let a coke go flat before drinking. Also is a great hangover remedy, don't ask me how I know.

Link here:
I like Canada Dry Ginger Ale for easing gastric distress.  If you're fighting for the loo (for one reason or another) the BRAT diet is good.  Stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast.  I stuck to this in Iowa when I was having difficulty but our dear departed forum friend Dr. Mahoney felt sorry for me and brought me superb chocolates, which, of course, I ate.  Back to GO ... literally.  ;D
jackiemac said:
Steve and I were both struck down by a gastro bug after we flew back to Vegas from Houston.
RVMommaTo6 said:
Glad you're feeling better, I'll keep that in mind as I'm sure one of us will need it eventually.

Ladies....I guessing neither one of you got the memo....You don't get sick when on vacation...Just saying.
Thanks for the good wishes, tips and humour! All welcomed.

Almost back to normal  ;D
I like Ginger Ale better than 7up.  Newest favorite Bundaberg Ginger Beer ~~ especially the seasonal Spiced.

JM2?  ~~  YMMv

Australian ~ ran in to it a few years back in Iowa ~~ Now most any where even Wally....
jackiemac said:
Steve and I were both struck down by a gastro bug after we flew back to Vegas from Houston. Luckily I got it a few days after him so we weren't fighting over the loo.

I couldn't keep anything down, not even water so I tried coconut water. The one I had bought (originally for Steve) had some pineapple in it so the taste wasn't too bad. I am happy to say it really did the job and helped me stay hydrated.

Thought I'd mention it in case anyone else ever ends up in  that horrible place.

All back to normal now and I'm only another 20 stomach flu's away from my ideal weight - bonus

  Wish I had known that three weeks ago...just spent 2 weeks in hospital with congestive heart failure which included 3 days of constipation and 11 days of explosive diarrhea...couldn't hold anything down but they did give me ginger ale to drink .
  Was it fresh pineapple or canned? The difference is that fresh has the bromelain enzyme in it. That was also the only thing on the food tray that I could eat for a while.  Looks like your remedy is a winner  !!!
  Diuretics is a fast weight loser...lost 24 lbs while in there.

BTW was thinking of you and another friend from Scotland this morning. I found a store that sells "Proper Meat Pies" and Scottish style sausage.
maddog348 said:
I like Ginger Ale better than 7up.  Newest favorite Bundaberg Ginger Beer ~~ especially the seasonal Spiced.

JM2?  ~~  YMMV
love ginger beer but the taste is a bit different to ours at home for some reason. Will keep an eye out for this brand. Thanks.
catblaster said:
  Wish I had known that three weeks ago...just spent 2 weeks in hospital with congestive heart failure which included 3 days of constipation and 11 days of explosive diarrhea...couldn't hold anything down but they did give me ginger ale to drink .
  Was it fresh pineapple or canned? The difference is that fresh has the bromelain enzyme in it. That was also the only thing on the food tray that I could eat for a while.  Looks like your remedy is a winner  !!!
  Diuretics is a fast weight loser...lost 24 lbs while in there.

BTW was thinking of you and another friend from Scotland this morning. I found a store that sells "Proper Meat Pies" and Scottish style sausage.
Sorry to hear you have had problems again. Hope you are on the mend.

The pineapple juice was in the coconut water and it was the Smith's or Kroger Simple organic brand.

Yes a meat pie cannot be beaten.

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