Hi there. In all the years of bushwalking, being on major exercises out bush when I was in the RAAF Ive only ever seen large nasty snakes about a dozen times. I did step on a sleeping red bellied black once but ir=t was v early in the morning and cold so he didnt stir much. I jumped eighteen feet in the air so he didnt stand a chance! You just have to make lots of noise if you are bushwalking - snakes will feel the vibbrations through their bellies and go AWAY from you 99% of the time. At night have plenty of bright light ahead of you and dont go walking through long grass - you are asking to be bitten! And here, if you get bitten and you are far away from help and antivenom, you will die...
You most certainly CAN bring your RV to Australia on a 12 month carnet. Ive met USA folk with massive A Class 550 HP jobs wheeling around.. if you have a large RV, even if it is left hand drive, it doesnt matter. You cannot sell it here, or take out a loan against it, and you must re-export it within 12 months...its a very cost effective way of doing it if you own a nice RV...just makes overtaking real difficult!
1 US gallon = approx 3.79 litres
Our fuel (gas) here ranges from $1.40 a litre to $3.00 a litre in the outback. That's USD$5.70/US gallon to USD$12.00/US gallon... OUCH!
Alice Springs, for instance is about AUD$1.75 per litre or USD$7.00/US gallon