Georgie Boy turn signal assembly

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Oct 6, 2014
Any ideas where I can find a turn signal assembly for a 2002 Georgie Boy on a Freightliner chassis. Local Freightliner dealer says it is not a Freightliner part but tag on steering column says Freightliner.
Maybe call Freightliner Custom Chassis Help line and ask. Have the last 6 digits of the VIN handy.  1-800-FTL-HELP  You may be able to order it direct from FCCC Parts dept - I've obtained a couple items that way.  I get the part number from the HELP staff and then ask them to transfer my call to the factory Parts people to actually buy/ship it.

I think the parts guy is splitting hairs. The turn signal control is not actually made by Freightliner, but I'm pretty sure it comes as part of the steering column assembly when GBM bought the chassis.  There is probably a Freightliner part number that identifies the source they get it from, but the part number on the control itself is likely to be one from the supplier.
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