getting rid of water stains

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Aug 2, 2013
iv'e had a couple roof leaks on my 07 sightseer does anyone know how to get rid of the water stains
Thanks Jeff
beau2x said:
Jeff, I've got the same problem.  I hope someone can help.  Beau

I don't know about getting rid of them unless you try a little bleach.  The other option is to paint over it with Kilz then paint it whatever color you want. The Kilz will stop the stain from bleeding through which will happen if you just try to paint over it with regular paint.

I haven't tried it...YET, but I've been reading about this stuff:!rvceilings/emzfj

SUPPOSEDLY does a good job for water stains on the olefin ceilings...supposedly.

Before you buy, I suggest reading all the FAQ's and warnings about the product. Similar to chlorine bleach, it will damage MOST types of cloth...but they CLAIM it's safe for the material used in most RV ceilings.
I guess that the rug looking stuff on the ceiling is made out of Filon?  Whatever that is.  Thanks, Beau
beau2x said:
I guess that the rug looking stuff on the ceiling is made out of Filon?  Whatever that is.  Thanks, Beau

Flion is the fiberglass stuff on the outside. Some ceiling material is Ozite I think. If I remember correctly, Garyrvroamer suggested using Oxyclean just blotted on but I may be mistaken. I'm sure he will see this and correct me if I'm wrong, so wait for his reply.
I used the Instagone and it worked not sure what is in it but did smell like bleach but stains gone
  We have used the little Green Machine carpet cleaner on the roof material and cleaned it very well. 
I had stains from a roof leak that were a couple of years old.  I simply used a weak solution of 1 part bleach and 3 parts water.  Covered seats and dash with plastic and applied light spray application to all of the stained area.  Waited about 30 minutes and reapplied.  By the next morning 95% of the stain was gone.  I applied a 3rd spray and within an hour all of the stains were gone.

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