Gettysburg and Flight 93 Memorial

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
Louisville, KY
We took a 4 day trip from Louisville to Gettysburg last week and arrived home yesterday. What a beautiful time of year to be traveling! The fall colors were magnificent.

We left Wednesday evening from Louisville, KY and spent the first night in a Walmart near Columbus, OH. The next day were drove into PA via the PA Turnpike and arrived in Gettysburg around 5:00 p.m. We stayed at Round Top Campground.

The reviews on this campground were mixed on but most were spot on. It's a crowded campground with many sites. Additionally, there are many seasonal sites with permanent campers installed. That said, I didn't have any problems or issues. We were given a site that had been vacated by a seasonal and it had a nice concrete pad. Power and water hookups were easy to reach and the cable worked fine. There is WIFI in the park, but I never really had time to test it out (there is a fee). The WIFI antenna was two spaces down from my site so I expect it would work fine. It was a very convenient 4 mile drive to Gettysburg.

The Gettysburg experience was great. We purchased the Auto Tour CD from the visitor center and explored the museum on the first day since it was rainy. You can spend hours in the museum, and the panoramic diorama was excellent. On Saturday, we did the CD based Auto Tour which I highly recommend. We had talked to others that had taken a bus tour but we really enjoyed being able to do the auto tour on our own time. We took most of the day Saturday to see all the battlefield sites which are spread out all over the town.

Gettysburg itself is quaint with many stores and shopping opportunities. In addition, there are many nice restaurants if that's your thing.

On our trip home we decided to stop by the Shanksville, PA site of the crash of Flight 93 on 9/11. If you go, do NOT follow your GPS. Right off the turnpike, it directed us to a road that I NEARLY turned into only to see a covered bridge about 200 feet ahead with a clearance of 12 feet and a small weight limit. We kept working our way around and finally found our way to the Lincoln Highway. Our GPS took us in via the Lincoln Highway over some pretty steep elevations (2900 feet). It was no problem, but slow going a few times. When we arrived at the address listed on the website there was nothing there except for a closed entrance, and a sign that said the entrance had been moved 6.5 miles (and another sign that said "follow the signs"). We drove a few miles down the road and arrived at a T where you had to make a decision either left or right. There was no sign. We turned right and drove for miles on a very narrow road with nary a sign in sight. Finally we reached the end of that road and it seemed to make sense to me to turn right again. There it was. So, the government has not done a good job at ALL of marking the roads.

The Flight 93 Memorial is still being developed as there is no visitor center yet. It was a sobering experience and if you are in the area I urge you to visit. I'll be anxious to see the memorial when it is completed as it will be a very nice tribute to some great Patriots!

Our Sportscoach performed flawlessly on the trip. This is our third trip of any distance this year since purchasing the coach in April. I've put about 7,000 miles on her clock and she runs better everytime I take her out. My current mileage sits at about 9,700. I averaged about 8.7 mpg on the entire trip with the 300 Cummins. No problems on the mountains at all with a full load, 4 passengers and towing my Jeep Commander. Most of the time, I was passing the trucks.

Oh, and I broke my windshield in Columbus, OH. A rock hit the front of the motorhome with a sharp crack. No damage that I could see until I stopped for fuel and found a star break down low below the viewing area. I'm not sure how the insurance company will be dealing with this but will learn that later today


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Thanks for that update. We may visit that memorial soon.  We went to the Pentagon site and as you said very sobering.
I'm Canadian and went to the Flight 93 Memorial on my way to Washington, DC in 2005. It's about 45 to an hour off I-76 but was worth every minute to me.

There was no wall as pictured at the time.....just some fences covered with tributes. No visitor centre, nothing to buy.....just an open filed to look at, and imagine.

While in DC, we stayed at a hotel where we could see the Pentagon too....another chilling reminder.


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