GMC Yukon XL Performance chips

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Well-known member
May 28, 2009
Mountainside NJ
Hey guys n gals, been a while since I've posted :-\ Started a new job and didn't get any camping in this summer :-[ I just picked up a 2005 GMC Yukon XL with the 4 speed automatic and 5.3 liter v-8. Just wondering how good a tow vehicle this will be for a travel trailer in the 6 K pound range ? Also I heard good things about performance chips for the GMC trucks. They seem too good to be true for the money. Has anyone used the ones I have listed below or can they recomend any others ? Can I realy expect 4-8 gallons better MPG ? Thanks in advance once again for your help. ;)
Two nearly identical stories I heard about folks who had "Chipped" their engines. One was a GM engine (Chevy 8.1L) and the man had installed several modifications all guaranteed to improve performance and/or MPG,  The problem is not all were compatable with the motor home he had, So the ABS brakes were disabled by one chip, and other things changed by other mods and one piston got religion (Turned Holy) and the engine needed a major overhaul.

The other was a ford. High performance car instead of a motor home, Same level of engine mod  Same piston damage.

There are basically two upgrade systems that I would consider, only two, and do not expect the 1st to pay for itself.

1: Banks,  Banks is a proven performance upgrade, It has been around long enough that I'm convinced they know what they are doing, You will get some performance improvement, however you will never see enough MPG increase to pay for it, EVEN if you got the full advertised "UP TO" improvement (Which may happen one in a thousand or more) you will not get enough improvement to pay for it.

Ultra Power.. Way less expensive, not been around as long might not be out for your vehicle (or might) but the UP has a good rep.. There are a few folks who had problems but the authorized installers took good care of them.

ONE of the UP installers had six Motor homes come into his shop, 3 stock, 3 UP enhanced, all six had identical engine damage (Holy pistons in fact) the 3 stock were covered under manufacturer's warranty,, The maufacturer declined to warrant the enhanced engies.. the shop (Likely with some support from ultra Power) "Ate" teh cost of repair.

Other chip companies are not so obliging should something go wrong.  This is why I only trust those two.

DO NOT expect a return on investment though. Most folks say the MPG improvement, if any, is negligable,  In fact you get more millage out of a good wax job.
No experience with those two but I did use a Hypertech (?) chip in my 2002 Silverado 6.0L. Friend of mine gave it to me when he traded his 2002 Silverado 6.0L for a newer diesel. I used it for about a year (until I traded for my 2010). I got my money's worth out of it...because it was free. In my opinion, it would not have been worth the price if I bought it. He raved about it but I found it to be a marginal improvement in mileage (.5 - 1 MPG depending on my right foot) and towing performance.
Wow, does not sound like they are worth anything but a headache. :-[ Thanks for your feed back thus far and if anyone can offer more please do. ;)
Actually, in 1995 you would want a tune rather than a chip.  The reason so many people have poor experience with computer mods is they simply buy a stock tune without matching it to their engine.

I tried a hypertech tune in my 1994 Camaro many years back and it slowed down by a tenth of a second and lost 1mph in the quarter mile.  I took into account density altitude and track conditions and tried it multiple times.

The proper way to benefit is to have a qualified tuner hook up an O2 sensor and put the vehicle on a dyno.  If you do this a computer tune can potentially provide significant results, especially if the intake and exhaust have been opened up enough to reduce the inherent restrictions in those two areas.

Eventually my Camaro would achieve 30 mpg on the highway and with other modifications as well ended up doing the quarter mile in 11.8 seconds at 112 mph.

I would suggest starting a dialogue with one of the outfits that actually provides real computer tunes rather than looking for a pre-programmed solution.  Computer tuning does work but the one size fits all crap simply isn't worth the money and in my experience actually hurt performance.
Awesome reply, thanks  ;) Looks like its not worth the expense if all I am lookin for is a gas mileage increase. The truck has plenty of power in its stock form. ;)
Turbo diesel trucks get much more benefit from computer upgrades than NA gas engines. If you don't stuff more air in the engine, no amount of computer work is going to do much.
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