Go Amanda and Crew!!

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Tom and Margi

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
I was so relieved to read this post in RVMama's blog this morning.  https://rvmama6.home.blog/2019/08/03/we-made-it/
I'm definitely not a natural at this. I seem to run into every little issue possible. But I'm not complaining because I would rather run into a hundred little annoyances than an accident or something. So I figure by the end of the 10 months, I should have this all figured out and be ready to start lol
I'm telling you, you should have called Hollywood, you could be rich  ;D ;D ;D  Happy your adventure is underway, be safe.
Just take your time, don't get frustrated, and don't get in a rush, always make a walk around to check tire's hoses, awnings, etc. before pulling out, if driving conditions are bad, stay put...

I have a laminated printed checklist on the refrigerator door in my coach thanks to the previous owner that I try to always use (jacks up, check, antenna down, check, bathroom door latched, check,cargo compartments locks,  ...)  I also rarely crank up the TV antenna so I have a red ribbon that I clip to the crank handle when it is up to remind me to lower it.
Isaac-1 said:
Just take your time, don't get frustrated, and don't get in a rush, always make a walk around to check tire's hoses, awnings, etc. before pulling out, if driving conditions are bad, stay put...

I have a laminated printed checklist on the refrigerator door in my coach thanks to the previous owner that I try to always use (jacks up, check, antenna down, check, bathroom door latched, check,cargo compartments locks,  ...)  I also rarely crank up the TV antenna so I have a red ribbon that I clip to the crank handle when it is up to remind me to lower it.
She has a crew of six and they each have jobs, like doing the walk around.
I have a list too! Tom, you were the first one that told me about the walk around. I do it even if I stop for gas. ANY time I get out or shut off the ignition.
RVMommaTo6 said:
I have a list too! Tom, you were the first one that told me about the walk around. I do it even if I stop for gas. ANY time I get out or shut off the ignition.

Amanda, I sent you a PM. Did you get it?
RVMommaTo6 said:
I have a list too! Tom, you were the first one that told me about the walk around. I do it even if I stop for gas. ANY time I get out or shut off the ignition.
I never told you why I told you about it. Me and my girlfriend had a new to us 39' DP and we were parked at a campground at Lake Mead. I did a walk around and failed to notice a tree stump that was by my front left tire. It was about 6 inches out of the ground but that was enough to catch the front cap and rip it off to the tune of over $3000. I was going about one mile per hour at the time. Very embarrassing.
Oh no! That reminds me of the time I pulled into a mall parking lot running an errand. It was closed so I parked in the huge empty lot next to a pole. I made a couple phone calls to figure out where to go next, restarted the car, turned the wheel hard right to make a U-turn, forgetting the big pole in my blind spot. Ran right into it with not another car there.
Congrats on the grand adventure. Don't sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff. Relax, keep your eyes on the weather, and enjoy your time. Trips like this are to be enjoyed, and the kids will remember it always.

I still remember when I was 6 and we moved from Milwaukee to Frisco Colorado. We went from a major city to a ski town of 500 locals and thousands of guests every winter. Winter was 9 months of the year. I also remember taking a school field trip to the Continental Divide and watching all the dignitaries drive through the Eisenhower tunnel when it first opened. The tunnel saved about an hour drive over the Loveland Pass, 12,000' or so. We used to drive down to Denver once a month for groceries and other supplies. I got massive headaches every time. Once we got back to elevation the headaches went away.

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