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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
I would like some info on route 550 from Durango CO. up through Silverton and Montrose and then going to Grand Junction and then going on to Aspen. I have been told that the road from Durango to Montrose is a real nail biter. We will be in a 38' motor home towing a car on a dolly.Any info on this route will be greatly appreciated. We drove this route in 1990 with a car and had no problems but I have to say my mind draws a complete blank when I try to think about in reference to taking it with an Rv....Thanks,.Alan
Better northbound the south because your on the inside for the worst of the sections with steep drop offs. Still not something I would do unless it was the only way, but in this case you can take the road north out of Cortez - Rt 145 to Rt 62 back to 550 north of Ouray. This is a very nice drive.

We live in SW Colorado and have done Hwy 550 in our 28-foot MH towing a VW. It's a winding mountain road with 3 passes, lots of ups and downs and low or no guardrails in most spots. As th previous poster said. Cortez to Ridgway is an easier but very scenic route.

You wouldn't think so but I just made the trip in a car a couple of weeks ago and there are drop offs on both sides depending on where you are on it no matter which way you are going .

I first started driving the road back in 1960 or so. I think the last time I drove it was fifteen or more years ago.
They have made so many improvements in it since then that I don't think it would be all that bad to drive it now in my 35 footer towing my Honda Accord.

They have added a wide shoulder on the mountain side of a lot of the switchbacks so you can pull to the right and not worry so much about oncoming traffic. The semis made good use of those shoulders and I would also driving my motor home.
The one or two switchbacks I remembered as being 5mph are now at least 10 mph.

I don't think the driver would see much of the scenery and there will be a lot of of up and down shifting - there are some pretty good grades.
I even used the transmission in my Honda for downhill slowing. It is a four speed auto and I was in 2nd quite a bit.

I probably wouldn't choose to drive it in my motor home unless there was a good reason to, but if necessary I would.
Ken & Sheila said:
Better northbound the south because your on the inside for the worst of the sections with steep drop offs. Still not something I would do unless it was the only way, but in this case you can take the road north out of Cortez - Rt 145 to Rt 62 back to 550 north of Ouray. This is a very nice drive.


Would you then take 50 right into Grand Junction or as far as Delta and then take 92 and 133 to Carbondale and 82 to Aspen ? Hard to tell from a map what these routes are like but there seems to be one area of 133 that may be not so good. Thanks for the reply to my post .....Alan
Wendy said:
We live in SW Colorado and have done Hwy 550 in our 28-foot MH towing a VW. It's a winding mountain road with 3 passes, lots of ups and downs and low or no guardrails in most spots. As th previous poster said. Cortez to Ridgway is an easier but very scenic route.


Thanks for the reply Wendy, where in SW Colorado are you from. After Aspen we are headed to Colorado Springs to visit some friends and then onto Taos and Santa Fe. ...Alan
We're in Cortez.

I'd stay on 50 to Grand Jct then I-70. Delta-Paonia-Carbonndale is a pretty drive but I've never done it in an RV. If you're going from Aspen to Colorado Springs, I'd suggest not going over Independence Pass.

Have fun.
This is another one of those situations in which owning the Mountain West directory would have answered your question in an instant.  We're driving through roughly the same area in a couple of months and after reading what it had to say about US550 I had already found an alternative route.
Wendy said:
We're in Cortez.

I'd stay on 50 to Grand Jct then I-70. Delta-Paonia-Carbonndale is a pretty drive but I've never done it in an RV. If you're going from Aspen to Colorado Springs, I'd suggest not going over Independence Pass.

Have fun.

Thanks Wendy for the advice . We will be passing through Cortez but not 100% sure of the date yet. It would be great to meet you if you are around . We have also been told by my wife's friend ,who we are visiting in Colorado Springs ,about not going over Independence Pass but it sure is great to hear it from fellow RVer's......Alan
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