got my weights, lower than I thought

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2018
Southern Middle TN
I finally had time to get some weights today at the CAT scale -

both 30 lb propane tanks full

truck only
f 4400
r 2880

truck with trailer, weight bars in place
f 3840
r 4180
t 6640

truck with trailer, weight bars in disc
f 3740
r 4320
t 6620

ratings on the truck are
f 4850
r 6040
max tow 11450

if think that makes my tongue wt about 740 lbs on a 7380 trailer so just over 10%. Is that correct?

it pulls and handles great, no sway, hardly even notice a big rig passing either direction so don't think I need to change anything but want some opinions none the less.

Also, I did weigh before I emptied the tanks (black showed 2/3 but it didnt change after dump, grey was 2/3 but I know it was correct as I had filled the fresh and ran it down to 1/3 flushing the lines - 46 fresh, 42 black and grey) as well, it was:

f 3820
r 4240
t 6900

the trailer is supposed to weight 6786 unloaded, 9680 gvwr

That looks to me like a nice, healthy set of numbers. And the stability you experience under tow reflects it.
If I have to quibble, I think that your 7380 trailer weight is actually the trailer + hitch weight, unless you had the hitch and bars on the truck when you weighed it alone.
I'd put the 20# difference in total weights (14660 vs 14680) down to a scale variation.
Pay no attention to your trailer tank gauges. They're pretty much worthless, and if they are giving an accurate reading at any time, it's most likely just coincidence. Water weighs 8#/gallon, so the 280-300# difference in the final total would account for 35-38 gallons dumped.
In any case, nice example!

According to your numbers,
Your empty truck weight is 7280#      4400+2880
Your loaded truck wt is  8020#          3840+4180
Making a hitch wt of  740#                8020-7280
Trailer wt is 7380#                            6640+740
Gross Combined Weight is 14,660      3840+4180+6640
hitch is 10% of gross TT weight          740 / 7380 X 100%

You are well within EVERY number!

Job well done!
The only flaw I see is that the trailer lifts a lot of weight of the front axle, even with the WD in place. Front drops from 4400 to 3840, meaning 560 lbs has been removed from the front end.  That's poor WD adjustment - the bars should be tensioned so that the front axle weight gets back close to what it is without the trailer.  The front axle weight needs to stay about the same so that the front end (steering) geometry) stays the same.  With the present weights, I predict uneven front tire wear and maybe even squirrely steering under some conditions
Gary RV_Wizard said:
The only flaw I see is that the trailer lifts a lot of weight of the front axle, even with the WD in place. Front drops from 4400 to 3840, meaning 560 lbs has been removed from the front end.

Gary, I was somewhat concerned about that as well but wasn't sure it was a problem. Using the wheel well height of the front it is within a 1/4 in of the unloaded height with the loads bars set as they are. I've done a little searching but can't find a reference to how much less wt is a problem with a heavy duty suspension. I'll look into it more this weekend when I can hook it back up and take it to a level area
Gary RV_Wizard said:
The only flaw I see is that the trailer lifts a lot of weight of the front axle, even with the WD in place. Front drops from 4400 to 3840, meaning 560 lbs has been removed from the front end.  That's poor WD adjustment - the bars should be tensioned so that the front axle weight gets back close to what it is without the trailer.  The front axle weight needs to stay about the same so that the front end (steering) geometry) stays the same.  With the present weights, I predict uneven front tire wear and maybe even squirrely steering under some conditions

rbTN said:
Gary, I was somewhat concerned about that as well but wasn't sure it was a problem. Using the wheel well height of the front it is within a 1/4 in of the unloaded height with the loads bars set as they are. I've done a little searching but can't find a reference to how much less wt is a problem with a heavy duty suspension. I'll look into it more this weekend when I can hook it back up and take it to a level area

I would raise the bars 1 notch/link. You are almost on the money. But as Mr Gary stated you are taking some weight off the steering tires.
Wheel-well height measurements can be hard to judge with a heavy duty suspension, but 1/4" sounds pretty darn good.  That said, I'd still be inclined to crank the WD a bit more and get some more weight up front. Front end alignment is set based on the truck as it sits in the shop, and lifting 500 lbs off it is bound to change something, most likely the wheel camber.

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